Stamped as Kurogane// Best friend theme

Sep 12, 2009 22:03


Name/Nickname: Sammie, Sam, Sammiya.
Age: 18
Gender: female
Do you have a gender preference for this theme?: Both, if possible. If not, then just the guy.


Likes: My loved ones, sweet foods, books, music, relaxing, curry, manga, anime, videogames, and making music videos.
Dislikes: People who hurt/manupilate/do bad things to innocent and my loved ones, spicy foods, and when I get confused.
Hobbies: Reading, playing videogames, listening to music, and watching/reading anime/manga.
Strengths: I can anaylze situaitons, loyal, trusting, generous, and can be helpful when necessary
Weaknesses: I'm hot-tempered, not particulary tough, too generous, too trusting/naive, and can be too stubborn at times.
Mature or Immature?: Both, depending upon the situation.
Leader or Follower?: Either. I prefer following, but can lead when necessary.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: I tend to lean to optimistic.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium.
Confident or Modest?: Modest.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Reserved, except with those who I am close to.
Cautious or impulsive?: Impulsive more, but can be cautious in certain situations.
Patient or impatient?: Impatient.


Positive qualities:: Loyalty, fun-loving, friendly, nice, cheerful, and calm.
Negative qualities:: Cruelity, manupilative, and negativity in general.
Mature or immature?: Both, it just changes in diferent situations.
Wise or naïve?: Wise. I'm too naive already, and it would be better to have an balancing force.
Outgoing or reserved?: Outgoing.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Optimistic or Realistic.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium.
Leader or follower?: Either or both.
Confident or modest?: Confident.
Selfish or generous?: Generous.
Cautious or impulsive?: Impulsive/
Older, younger, or the same age as you?: I don't really care for any of three, as age doesn't matter as long as you are friends.


How would you describe your relationship with your closest friend?: We can talk about stuff, but when we are quiet it's more like an understanding silence then an akward silence. We can share pretty much anything with each other, and tend to be somewhat silly when we are together.
What would your ideal relationship with your Tsubasa best friend be like?: Close, but giving each other space when needed.
Would you prefer one-on-one time with your best friend, or would you be happier hanging out in a group?: Some of both. I like alone time with friends, but the more the merrier.
What is one thing that you would have to have in common with your best friend?: Similar interests.
What is one thing that you would prefer not to have in common?: Being naive. I would rather not have my friend be easily fooled.
What do you think is the most important part of any relationship?: Trust, in one and another. If you can't trust someone, you shouldn't be friend with them.


How would you meet your best friend? Would you click at once, or have to work at the relationship?: At some random place, I guess. I feel more at easy when I instantly clikc with the person.
Do you talk to your best friend about everything, or would you keep things from them in order to spare their feelings or protect them?: I would prefer being able to tell them everything, but I would most likely be forced to keep some things from them to prevent pain.
Imagine that your friend has lost all of their memories of you. Would you consider the hurt to great to bear, or would you consider the friendship you had worth the pain?: A bit of both. I would be extremely hurt, but at the same time friendship is an important thing, one to be treasured no matte what happens.


Anything else?: Not that I can think of right now.

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