Stamped as C!Sakura // Best friend Theme

Sep 12, 2009 22:10


Name/Nickname: Anne/Kaho-chan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Do you have a gender preference for this theme?: Absolutely none.


Likes: Writing and reading (especially fantasy or romance...if they are combined, it's the best!). I love singing and listening to music as well, especially Japanese, Korean music and Classical pieces (English music simply inspires me). I love walking with my friends and talking about whatever random things out there, but I also love carrying out discussions regarding different more serious subjects (like Physics, Psychology, History etc.). People with a good sense of humor are also on my favorite list. I like rain, as well, especially when I'm in the middle of the nature.
Dislikes: People who are always being late. People who act mean towards others who can't defend themselves. Doing something without a single purpose. Boring things. Smoking, or rather, the smoke itself (I feel ill whenever I smell it...). Making other people feel bad or awkward. Talking about other people behind their backs.
Hobbies: Reading/Watching manga/anime, singing and dancing, rollerblading, mountain-climbing, going on outings with friends/family, blogging (which I discovered recently).
Strengths: : I am good at listening to people who have a problem and want to get it out of their mind, and also at making people feel more optimistic (or at least, see the bright side of things). I can do things pretty well, even if from the first try, or after several failed attempts. I can handle organizing other people in different activities pretty well, although I never take the position of the leader. I also have a thing for foreign languages (I learn them pretty fast...). I'm an optimist, and even though things may not be as good as they can be, I try to deal with them looking at the brighter side (it's easier to find viable solutions this way). I am able to criticize, if needed, of course, without making other people feel bad.
Weaknesses: I can be very stubborn, which leads to me being annoying sometimes. Whenever I am tired or sleepy, I am prone to becoming snappish (which is very annoying for people who try to converse with me). I am also a person that, once she has a fixation, it's hard to make her change it. Even though I can handle organizing other people in different activities, I can never keep my own room clean. Ever. I am also a perfectionist.
Mature or Immature?: Immature, I guess? This is my true face, which I show only to people I am comfortable with. With the others, my natural reservation is mistaken with maturity.
Leader or Follower?: Leader has never been a position I craved, simply because the responsability for a whole group of people is something I don't think I can handle very well. I lways try to help, but from a follower's position (mostly).
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: I simply am an optimist through my lack of pessimism, so I guess I should say realistic?
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: I almost always have or a high energy level, or a low one (I'm extremist like that *sheepish smile*).
Confident or Modest?: I try to be modest, but there are a few things I am very confident about.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Mostly reserved. I can't fully trust a person just like that, and I unconsciously close myself around people I don't know. I'm pretty cheerful around people I trust.

Cautious or impulsive?: I think I would be in the middle. There are many times when I act impulsively, but there are also times when I am more cautious about what I choose and do.
Patient or impatient?: Patient. However, I am also a dreamer, and sometimes, when it comes to dreams I want to make come true, I become impatient at times.


Positive qualities: I want a person who can be patient and who doesn't pry when I don't want to say something, because the more I am forced to say it, the more stubborn I become. I also wish for a person with a warm personality; not necessarily the "bouncy" type, but a person who can bring a smile on one's face only being him or herself. I also wish for a loyal person, for I need to feel like I can trust my friend with whatever secret I may have - I wish for the relieved feeling, like "Ah, if I told my best friend this, it would be okay!"
Negative qualities: A person who absolutely refuses any help or support: since I rely on my friend a lot, I want to support my best friend, as well. Also, I dislike people who simply force their own opinions on others, so this is a big no, as well.
Mature or immature?: I do not really care about this: since I can act both ways, I don't mind either.
Wise or naïve?: I don't really know about this, but I would choose a person with deep thoughts - or rather, a person who feels everything intensely (would that be a mature thing?)
Outgoing or reserved?: Outgoing, for the most part. I am a reserved person, so if my best friend would be the opposite, it would be great.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Anything but pessimistic people, I guess. I lose my patience with this type of people pretty fast, so I don't think we would get along very well.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Anything is fine.
Leader or follower?: The Leader-type. As I said, I am reserved, and my friend were to wait for me to take the lead, he/she would be doomed to wait for a long time...
Confident or modest?: I think a confident person who acknowledges his/her bad parts as well is the best.
Selfish or generous?: Generous.
Cautious or impulsive?: Cautious...I think.
Older, younger, or the same age as you?: Anything is fine, as long as we get along.


How would you describe your relationship with your closest friend?: My closest friend and I have a pretty long history, so we know very much about each other. I feel comfortable enough with her for one of us to point out the negative qualities without the other getting mad. I can also joke around with her about pretty much everything. I also have confidence in her - I can say anything to her, and I can be sure that I will get a good advice!
What would your ideal relationship with your Tsubasa best friend be like?: I want a relationship in which I can talk to my Tsubasa friend about anything at all without feeling awkward or embarrassed. Since I am a pretty quiet person most of the time, being able to talk to another person freely is a proof of deep trust.
Would you prefer one-on-one time with your best friend, or would you be happier hanging out in a group?: One-on-one time, I guess. In a group, my friend would talk to other people more, and I, not having the courage to enter the conversation, would remain on the sidelines, watching...It's a pretty awkward feeling.
What is one thing that you would have to have in common with your best friend?: I'm not really sure...I just feel very comfortable around her - like, I can be myself around her, without needing to hide any part of my personality.
What is one thing that you would prefer not to have in common?: My flailing I guess. Whenever I see something with regard to my favourite artists, I always go "Kyaha!" and jump all around, and she stares at me weirdly (she is used to it, but still looks at me like that). I guess I am too used to her being this way, down-to-earth, so it would be pretty weir if she reacted so immaturely (she is very mature).
What do you think is the most important part of any relationship?: The mutual trust. If two people do not trust each other, they cannot form lasting and strong relationships.


How would you meet your best friend? Would you click at once, or have to work at the relationship?: Work at our relationship. Once I get used to people, I become more open and such, but I cannot really be myself in front of one person unless I trust him/her. To build that trust, I need some time...
Do you talk to your best friend about everything, or would you keep things from them in order to spare their feelings or protect them?: I don't believe in this act, this "keep things to yourself to protect someone". Not only it makes the other feel even more hurt, but not knowing is even worse than knowing and hurting because of it (can one always protect another from the entire world? If not, one should not even think of doing it). I know it from experience, so I try not to keep anything from her.
Imagine that your friend has lost all of their memories of you. Would you consider the hurt too great to bear, or would you consider the friendship you had worth the pain?: Of course it would hurt, a lot, but I would do my best to bear with it. A good relationship is not easily formed in this world, so it should be treasured.


Anything else?: Thank you for taking time to vote!

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