Missing Memories

Sep 04, 2009 16:03


Name/Nickname: Panida
Age: 19
Gender: F


Likes: laughing, thunderstorms, Tolkien, baking, anime/manga, videogaming, working with animals & children, reading, learning, adventuring, loitering, music (listening to/singing/dancing/performing), the 'net, traveling and exploring nature, acting, mythology, languages, cultures, the arts, being a Disney jukebox, and costumes/dressing up.
Dislikes: starfish :X, over-confidence, apathy, rudeness, brashness, insincerity, close-mindedness
Hobbies: woops, put those in my dislikes
Favorite Color: white, yellow, purple
Favorite Animal: Panda, polar bears, wolves, elephants, foxes, dogs -- gah, I love all animals/wildlife/nature! Except starfish...:P
Strengths: amiable, friendly, I looove when I can make people laugh, bright, caring, approachable, open-minded, conscientious, ingenuitive, patient, analytical, careful, clever, imaginative
Weaknesses: worrier, I can sometimes over-think things, spazzy, somewhat lazy, defensive, I don't get mad very often but if I do, you don't want to get on my bad side, rule-bender, can be cynical, second-guessing myself, can be jealous, cautious, self-guarded, sense of direction, personal need to prove myself

Hopes: career-wise, I'm aiming to be a pediatrician. I'd just love a job where I'm able to help people out everyday -- I wouldn't mind waking up each day knowing that. Ultimately though in the end, I want to feel content and fulfilled with the way I lived my life, having experienced my own adventures, taken risks and been able to look back and think "I can't believe I did that but it was more than worth it!", and last but not least, to have truly loved in all senses of that word and been loved back. /endsap :P
Fears: dying alone/unloved/unfulfilled


Mature or Immature?: Somewhere in between, I love to have fun but know when to get down to business
Leader or Follower?: Neither; I'm not going to volunteer to lead but I will if necessary and I won't blindly follow.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Realistically optimistic with idealistic hopes. I won't give up when the going gets tough.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium to high -- low when alone. I'm pretty animated.
Confident or Modest?: I'm comfortable with myself but am not one to brag about it unless it's about something silly -- I joke around with being fabulous and all that ;P Braggarts are definitely a pet peeve to me.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Outgoing, though I can have my reserved moments as well.


Are you in love?: Nah. I don't think I've been properly in love yet -- I'd love to be eventually though.
If you are not, what are the qualities you look for in a partner?: Someone who can make me laugh, intelligent, that I feel safe & comfortable with. A big heart. Someone adventurous to bring more excitement to my life...and not be afraid to go along with my wacky schemes as well :P Someone who's not afraid to live & love life. Attentiveness (I enjoy being attentive and giving in a relationship so reciprocation from him is wonderful), sincere, genuinely caring, supportive, a great sense of humor who won't leave me bored aaaand a cuddler! Some romance wouldn't hurt either ;) I also am a sucker for dimples & guys who are good with kids & animals, hehe
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: It depends on the wish -- I can pull out all the stops if it's something I truly want but probably not to the extent of harming others.
How far would you go for someone you love?: I'd possibly sacrifice myself to protect them if I felt our love was strong and deep enough. At that point, I'd hope they'd be willing to do the same for me as well.
Who is your favorite Tsubasa RC character and why?: I'd prefer not to answer so I don't sway votes x)
Who is your least favorite Tsubasa RC character and why?: Same as above


Post some pictures or describe your overall appearance:

Anything else?: that's it!
Please link to three applications that you have voted on…


needs votes

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