Stamped Yukito // Matchmaking Theme

Aug 05, 2009 14:02


Gender: Female
I prefer to be matched with (place an X in the brackets next to your choice):

[ X ] boy
[ ] girl
[ ] either
[ ] both


Likes: Helping others, laughing, action films, anime, playing video games.
Dislikes: onions, public speaking, maliciousness.
Hobbies: Playing rock band, writing short stories, volunteering, studying medical-related things.
Strengths: I try my best to be kind to everyone and forgive pretty easily. I am very studious and a hard-worker. I also don't get flustered easily.
Weaknesses: I am very shy and people sometimes mistake my shyness for arrogance or indifference. It's hard for me to show my excitement for things and I sometimes let others take advantage of me.

Mature or Immature?: Mostly mature, though I still laugh at fart jokes.
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Realistic.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Low-Medium.
Confident or Modest?: Trick question. A modest person wouldn't call themselves modest.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Reserved.
Cautious or impulsive?: Cautious.
Patient or impatient?: Patient.


Positive qualities: Kindness, a generous personality, and above all he has to have a good sense of humor and be able to make me laugh.
Negative qualities: I wouldn't want someone who is overly clingy. We don't have to do EVERYTHING together and I don't expect him to call/text 5 times a day. Arrogance, maliciousness, and alcoholism are also major turn-offs.
Mature or immature?: In-between. Someone who knows the place and time to be mature/immature.
Wise or naïve?: Wise.
Outgoing or reserved?: Not extremely loud or outgoing, but definitely more outgoing than me.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Realistic.
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium.
Leader or follower?: Someone who has the ability to lead, but generally lets others lead instead.
Confident or modest?: Confident.
Selfish or generous?: Generous.
Cautious or impulsive?: Impulsive.
Older, younger, or the same age as you?: Around the same or a few years older, ideally.


Does your partner have to be attractive in terms of their appearance? What other things make a person attractive to you?: Although looks may factor into initial attraction, ultimately looks are not important in maintaining a long-term relationship. I'd be more attracted to him if he had a kind heart and the ability to make me laugh.
Do you look for commitment in your relationships or do you prefer something more casual? I'm at the age where commitment is definitely a factor.
What do you think is the most important part of any relationship?: I really think it's important to be friends with your partner first. If you don't have that foundation of friendship and the relationship is based on looks/lust solely than eventually it will fall apart.


What is your idea of a perfect date?: Tickets to a basketball game, where the seats are doesn't matter and maybe afterwards just hanging out and talking/having a good laugh.
What kind of future do you picture with someone?: I'm at the age where I'm starting to think about more long-term relationships. Hopefully eventually we'd marry, have kids and all that good stuff, but never lose our love of life and each other.


Anything else?: Thanks in advance for voting!

Please link to three applications that you have voted on…


matchmaker stamped: fuuma

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