Matchmaker Theme...

Aug 09, 2009 16:01


Name/Nickname: Laura
Age: 23
Gender: female
I prefer to be matched with (place an X in the brackets next to your choice):

[ ] boy
[ ] girl
[ x ] either
[ ] both


Likes: Reading, ninjas, making jokes, writing, cats, animals, video games, traveling, my friends, music, manga, summer, chocolate, hanging out with my friends, the internet
Dislikes: close-minded people, trains, waking up early, homework, rain, mediocrity, liars, spiders, discrimination, ignorance, rude people, violence
Hobbies: reading, surfing the net, sports, hanging out with friends, videogames
Strengths: Curious, fair, honest, loyal, creative, helpful, open-minded, imaginative
Weaknesses: Sharp-tongued, sarcastic, stubborn, lazy, easily distracted, impulsive
Mature or Immature?: Immature. Mature people scares me! To be honest I can be mature sometime, in particular if I am working with others but I am mostly immature. Hell yes, you can grow old but you can always be immature!
Leader or Follower?: Well, to be honest I'm not good at following orders
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Pessimistic, the glass is half empty. And I'm so pessimistic, it's not even funny
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium/High
Confident or Modest?: I'm mostly confident. Mostly because I do the best all the time and I don't care about my opponent so I can easily mentally picture myself reaching my goal
Outgoing or Reserved?: Outgoing
Cautious or impulsive?: Impulsive, I can't help myself! I often act before thinking
Patient or impatient?: Impatient


Positive qualities: Uhm. I would like someone who can make me smile and who understands me. And I would like my partner to be caring, intelligent, kind, friendly
Negative qualities:: I don't want him to be rude, I really don't like rude people. And he must be honest with me. I can't stand liars and I think that you have to trust someone you love but how can I trust him if he repeatedly lies to me?
Mature or immature?: Mature
Wise or naïve?: Wise
Outgoing or reserved?: Somewhere in between
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realistic?: Realistic
Low, Medium, or High Energy Level?: Medium
Leader or follower?: Leader
Confident or modest?: Confident
Selfish or generous?: Generous
Cautious or impulsive?: I don't really mind
Older, younger, or the same age as you?: same age as me or younger


Does your partner have to be attractive in terms of their appearance? What other things make a person attractive to you?: Well.. He must be taller than me (it's not difficult, I'm pretty short). And I like guys with a nice voice
Do you look for commitment in your relationships or do you prefer something more casual? something more casual
What do you think is the most important part of any relationship?: I think that trust is the most important thing in relationships


What is your idea of a perfect date?: Something really simple. Just going out for a walk and talk a lot
What kind of future do you picture with someone?: i hope to find someone to love truly and who loves me back. And just be happy


Anything else?: Thanks a lot

Please link to three applications that you have voted on…


matchmaker stamped: subaru

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