Mod Post...

Aug 17, 2009 11:02

Hello everyone. Sorry I have fallen off the face of the planet; it's just that I've been really busy with a new job and preparing for school. But I haven't forgotten about my mod duties. I'm glad to see that the matchmaking theme has been doing well. Applications that could use a few more votes can be found here. I thought I would post a poll regarding the theme for September. Please take a moment to vote. Make sure that you vote only once and for a theme that you will participate in. I will give people a week or so to get their vote in. After a week, I will close the poll and post the winner. This will give everyone a chance to prepare for the theme:

Poll Theme for September

I think that is everything I needed to talk about. If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please let me know! :D

mod post

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