Acts of Desperation

Mar 11, 2007 00:44

Title: Acts of Desperation
Chapter: 27
Fandom: Jackass/Viva La Bam AU
Rating: Mild NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Bam
Warning: Twelve year age difference between main characters…
Disclaimer: Fiction. Learn it, live it, love it.
Word Count: 2749
Summary: Ryan Dunn is a truck driver who chances picking up a hitchhiker…

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26

Face pressed flush against the cold glass window, Bam grunted when Ryan’s angry shifting of gears drew him from his road-weary slumber. His eyes quickly acclimating to the light speckled darkness, he rolled his neck and looked over at the trucker. “What’s wrong?”

“Every truck stop we’ve passed hasn’t had any available truck parking… in around a half hour I’m going to be in violation… and there’s not another rest area for over seventy miles…”

“What do we do?”

“We look for a decent hotel chain and see if they have any available parking… will you check the signs as we pass?”

Yawning, Bam straightened up in his seat and focused his gaze outside. “…sure.” After a few miles he finally spotted the telltale blue sign. “There’s a Budget Host on exit 152…”

“Is that it?!”

“It’s all the sign shows… why?”

“Let’s leave it at Ape would have a shit fit about it…”

“Are you going to keep on going?”

“Bam, I can’t. We have to stop…” Dunn’s voice raised in irritation as he merged into the right lane.

Glaring, Bam snorted. “Fuck, I know… you don’t have to get bitchy with me. Like I’ll run to Ape over this shit… a place to sleep is a place to sleep… I fucking know that…”

Ryan’s stance softened. Sighing, he geared up for the approaching exit. “I’m just tired, Bam Bam… I’ve been driving for almost eleven hours straight in that god-damn wind… my back and arms are fucking killing me… I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“Well, you did.”

“That was an apology…”


“You’re god-damn hopeless you know that… you’re worse than some chicks I know…” An uneasy silence filled the cab as they neared the hotel. Dunn was pulling into the farthest spot from the rest of the vehicles when Bam finally spoke up.

“But not where it counts, right?”

The shock of the change of demeanor made Ryan gasp then chuckle when the implications of Bam’s statement finally sunk in. “Definitely not where it counts…” Once parked, he turned to face the boy. “Look, I know we’ve both had a shitty ass day… it wasn’t planned but at least we’re sleeping in a real bed tonight… with a shower to ourselves that doesn’t cost a dollar for ever fifteen minutes… let’s try to enjoy it, okay?”


Dunn grabbed his and Bam’s duffel bags before climbing out of the cab. “Grab you CD case…”

“Which one?”

“Any one…”

Bam grumbled and leaned into the sleeper. The bunk was still a crumpled mess from earlier that afternoon. He stopped in his tracks and looked around the cab. Remembering his first night in there with Ryan, Bam stepped inside and quickly searched through the trucker’s DVD collection before pulling out a couple disc and sliding them in the empty slots of his CD wallet. By the time he climbed out of the truck, Dunn was halfway to the front desk and had just noticed that Bam was so far behind.

“Coming!” Yelled Bam as he quick stepped into a jog. The gravel crunched loudly beneath his feet. The bitter wind whipped just as viciously around him as it had the load earlier that day. He was short of breath by the time he got to Ryan’s side. “I… I can carry one of those…” Bam pointed at the bags in the trucker’s hands. Not wanting to argue, Dunn handed him the duffel and started for the front desk. Bam reached out and grabbed awkwardly at his arm. “They aren’t going to want to see my ID, are they?”

“Not unless you’re paying…”

“You sure?”


Bam slung the strap to his bag over his shoulder before pinching a face at the hotel lobby. “Let’s just get this over with…”


The scent of recently laundered sheets and cleaning liquid wafted out of the room as soon as Ryan pushed the door open. It wasn’t at all what he was expecting. A life on the road… with the typical perks of a truck driver… had lent him to assume that the room he’d just paid for would be exactly like every other one he’d stayed in despite the over all quirkiness of the location. The two double beds were the first extravagance though not entirely unexpected. After all, why would anyone think that he and Bam were together? Catching sight of the antiquated furniture, Dunn decided that his assumptions about Budget Hosts were pretty accurate. At least here, the desk clerk hadn’t escorted them to their room… or insisted that a boy’s best friend was his mother. Bam’s presence was the only thing that made facing the stay here tolerable.

Next to the trucker, Bam threw his duffel bag down haphazardly in the middle of the floor and made a running jump at the bed farthest from the door. Upon landing on it with a loud thump followed by a jerking bounce; he immediately did the same to the other bed. Forehead landing square in the springy center, he whip-snapped back from the mattress with a loud laugh before flinging himself onto his back with a contented smile on his face.

From the doorway Ryan looked on in bewildered amusement. He’d practically expected Bam to start jumping on the bed like a child. When he’d first landed on the bed with such a loud thud, Dunn had been sure he’d broken something…bed or bone. The following face first antic soon changed his mind about many things; broken bones and pre-conceived notions. Until that very moment he’d been viewing Bam as young, small, weak… delicate even. He’d never seen him as the rambunctious young man he truly was… and that, apparently, was a hell of an oversight. Overcoming his urge to place his bags on the luggage rack and stash his shower bag in the bathroom, Ryan dropped them at his feet before bounding at the bed. He landed beside Bam with a loud creaking of springs. Grinning when he pressed into Bam’s side, Dunn chuckled. “Okay that was kind of fun… but I’m not pulling that face first stunt of yours…”

Giggling, Bam flopped onto his side and looked at the trucker. “Know what’s even funner?”

“What’s that?” Ryan inched forward assuming that the boy’s words were laced with innuendo.

“Jump kicking off the wall onto a mattress…” Bam smirked. “Dico and I broke a bed doing that…”

Dunn blinked, his less than virtuous intents forgotten. “And neither of you broke your ass… or face doing that shit?”

“Surprising, huh? You’d think with all the crap we use to pull that one of us would have ended up with a broken tail bone by now…”

Attempting to push himself up onto his elbows to look down at Bam, Ryan groaned. Any conversation he was about to start or continue fell to the wayside as he let himself collapse face first back onto the bed. “God, I’m fucking sore…”

“Your arms?”


With the least amount of grace probably possible, Bam pulled and tugged at Ryan’s shirt and jacket until Dunn lay shirtless on the bed. Blonde curls flowed down over the trucker’s back. Pushing them out of the way, Bam straddled his waist and pressed his palms against bare shoulders and kneaded. Beneath him, Ryan moaned loudly and melted into his touch.


The sound of voices lured Dunn out of sleep. The door snicked shut and the scent of pizza filled the room. Groaning as he rolled over onto his back, Ryan raised an eyebrow at Bam. “You ordered… pizza?”

“Your ass fell asleep on me… I figured we wouldn’t be going out… and I’m not exactly feeling like another sandwich…”

Yawning wide, Dunn shifted until he was up against the head board and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Mmm… what kind did you get?”

“Stuff-crust supreme…” Bam climbed up on the bed next to Ryan and placed the pizza box between them. He glanced playfully out of the corner of his eye.


The bed creaked slightly as he leaned forward and captured the trucker’s lips in a short and sweet kiss. “Nothing…” Bam smiled and drew a slice out.

“You know… I actually kind of miss staying at your family’s house…” Dunn commented as he cocked his head to the side and peered under the lid of the pizza box. Today had been trying on so many levels. Life had once been so simple… but was that really what he wanted out of life was simplicity?

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Nah, man… it felt nice… even though it wasn’t mine… actually having the same place, relatively, to lay my head, the same table to eat at every day… shit, a backyard to walk out on where you could sprawl across the grass without being chased off by a security guard or something…” Bam continued to look at him incredulously; his slice perched half eaten in his hands halfway between his lap and his mouth. Ryan shrugged it off. “I know the shit with your family would’ve been too much to deal with long term… just… it felt nice, okay?”

“…I know.” Letting his hands drop to his lap, Bam sighed. “The first night back in my bed, I couldn’t believe the shit I use to take for granted…”

“April kept on commenting about you being different… I take it you were a spoiled brat before the big eviction?”

“The fucking brat prince of West Chester… Jesus, my friends and I were practically infamous for the hell we’d raise. Looking back, I miss it… but knowing what life is like outside of it… I don’t think I’d do it again even if I could…”



Dunn finally grabbed a slice and brought it to his mouth. His eyes never wavering from Bam, he chewed the first few bites in silence. “Eat.”

“I’m not hungry…”

“Bam, eat… please?”

Mechanically placing the food at his lips, Bam took a bite. Each flexing of his jaw was followed by deepening creases along his brow. “Why don’t you ever ask about what I did before I met you?”

“It isn’t any of my business… and if you wanted to tell me… you would.” Ryan shuffled over until he was shoulder to shoulder with Bam. “I ain’t your mom… I don’t need to know every gritty detail to forgive myself… I just need to know that you are where you want to be…”

Bam took another bite and swallowed before glancing over at the trucker. “I am… it isn’t anywhere near where I dreamt about being since I was a kid and shit… but there isn’t any other place I’d want to be…”

“You sure?”


“… I’m not so sure it’s where I want to be…”

Face paling, Bam placed the rest of his pizza back in the box and folded his arms over his chest. “What do you mean by that?”

“I only went back out on the road in hopes of you coming with me…”


“… I figured April would never let you leave if I just got some job in West Chester… at least not until you were eighteen… I’m tired of trucking… I really am… I’ve seen this country more than twice over… it ain’t nothing special… I just want some place to call home.”

“What about Medina?”

“Your Uncle Vito wouldn’t hold a candle to some of my family…” He threw his slice back in the box with Bam’s. “Did you and Jess ever talk about all those places that Deron mentioned? Arms of God and..."


“Arms of God is a degayifying compound. The other is a place for violent youth and young adults. I was never put in Hellview, probably because as soon as I was released from, I started trucking.”

“Your family sent you to a place to be… made straight?”

“Yeah… after that was when I moved in with my boyfriend… they found out after he and I got into a bar fight with these assholes giving us shit about being fags… I messed one of the guys up pretty bad and due to my ‘stay’ at the Arms of God, rather than spend any time for assault I was sent to an institute..."

“And your boyfriend?”

“Never heard from him again…”

“I don’t think Tim tried to contact me much since… everything…”

“Where did you go that first night?”

“It’s actually pretty damn pathetic… this dude named Novak and I use to skate and shit together… cept he got pretty hard core into drugs and what not a year or so back… him and a bunch of guys squatted at this abandoned house across town near the industrial area of West Chester… I spent over a week there until a few of his friends started busting my balls about not doing their shit with them…”

“April knows who Novak is then?”

“Yeah… before they kicked me out and shit… when I’d sneak around to see Tim and stuff… she use to accuse me of being a doper… or selling it.”

“I feel too damn old to say this… but, fucking parents…”

Bam snorted. “No shit, right?” Slinking off the bed he rolled his shoulders and nodded towards the bathroom. “I think I’m going to go shower or something… we can always eat later, huh?”

“Sure, whatever…” Ryan pushed the pizza box to the center of the bed. “Hey, Bam…”



“For what?”

“Just, thanks.”

Curious blue eyes bore into Dunn from across the room. Bam’s gaze didn’t leave him until he stepped into the bathroom and slid the door shut.


Water cascaded through Bam’s hair and down his back. Head bowed underneath the spray he stood unmoving; lost in his own thoughts until a draft danced up his thighs, over his ass, and breathed over his spine. Eyes wide he looked over his shoulder to come face to face with Dunn. Bam was statue still as Ryan stepped forward and clasped his hand over the line of his neck to pull him into a passionate kiss.

Naked back pressed to naked chest, Bam sighed into his mouth. Dunn’s free hand fell to a bare hip and held him tight. Soon his fingers snaked up over Bam’s abs and clawed at the muscles just barely hiding under the flesh. Bam twisted in his embrace until they were face to face. Ryan pressed him under the water and ever so slowly began lapping at the water trailing down to and pooling along his neck.

Bam wove his fingers through Dunn’s long hair and jerked his head back before crashing their lips together. When Ryan’s reactions were more of acquiescence than defiance, Bam slammed him up against the opposite wall of the tiny hotel shower and pressed himself between his thighs. Dunn’s hands settled gently on the curve of his ass as Bam pushed against him roughly… his tongue matching his hips thrust per thrust. Gasping for breath, Bam finally hesitated in his onslaught. Forehead pressed against forehead, he whispered. “Why do you let me do this to you?”

“Do what?”

Illustrating his point, Bam tightened his fist in Ryan’s hair and tugged harshly at it before attacking his mouth with a passion akin to violence. “That…” He replied peppering the blonde’s lips with apologetic kisses.

“…I like it?”

“But don’t you feel like you should be the one…?”

“Why? Because I’m older?” He inquired. Bam’s silence was Dunn’s answer. “… it ain’t about that… it’s about you being you… and me being me…”

“And you like me being… rough and shit?”

“Uh huh…”

“Good…” He breathed before once again slamming his body up against Ryan. Pressing a hand momentarily around his throat before letting it drift down his chest, Bam fisted Dunn’s cock greedily. It took every ounce of control in his body to not bounce around like a kid in a candy store and Ryan’s reaction.

Dunn, on the other hand, felt like crab crawling up the shower wall as each and every muscle in his body tensed under Bam’s touch. He wanted so much to fight him… to make Bam earn every single gasp that escaped his lips… But such an obstacle at this point might freak the kid out. Instead, Ryan laid back and prayed for Bam’s touch to get a little too desperate… a little too rough. He’d give anything to wake tomorrow morning with finger prints etched on his skin…

Chapter 28

dunn, bam, jackass, trucking, fic, au, hitching, nc-17, vlb

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