Title Princess Zachary and his Snuggle Bunny Author: toryia23 Rating:pg Disclaimer: All lies , not one drop of truth. a/n This started out as something else but turned out completely different to what I had in mind.
Title: Accidental Stalker Author: Toryia23 Summary: The first time Chris sees Zach it’s in a coffee shop. Little does he know how much of an effect Zach will have on him. Word Count:1266 Rating: PG-13, a few minor swear words nothing else. Disclaimer: I don’t own them , never have met them . I own nothing.
Title: Accidental Stalker Author: Toryia23 Summary: The first time Chris sees Zach it’s in a coffee shop. Little does he know how much of an effect Zach will have on him. Word Count: 974 Rating: PG-13, a few minor swear words nothing else. Disclaimer: I don’t own them , never have met them . I own nothing.