Title Princess Zachary and his Snuggle Bunny
Author: toryia23
Disclaimer: All lies , not one drop of truth.
a/n This started out as something else but turned out completely different to what I had in mind.
Filming ,for the sequel, had finished for a few days . The cast were tired, but not so tired that when Zach suggested they go back to his for drinks and maybe a movie ,they didn't decline.
Zach was in the kitchen getting the popcorn for the film that had been chosen from his extensive collection. Grabbing the popcorn; a bowl of sweet and a bowl of salty popcorn, he was just about to walk out the kitchen when Chris walked in.
"Hey Zach. We have bad news for you . Well Anton does. He was sick in your plant pot."
"Great. Chosen a movie yet ?" replied Zach , with a hint of sarcasm.
"I don't think they have . I left them in there arguing. I'll be through in a minute , just getting some water."
"Well you know where it is. Just don't take too long."
When Chris returned from his short trip to the kitchen he found everyone either squashed together or on the floor. There was a space on the couch beside Zach.
Brilliant he thought , with a hint of sarcasm.
Zach smiled patting the couch "Saved you a space."
Sitting down, trying to keep some space between them Chris gave a shaky smile and replied "Thanks."
Anton looked up from his spot on the floor, a look of complete mischief plastered on his face, and said to Chris "Once Zoe spotted this we decided it would be the best choice."
Karl piped in "That may be the case but it was from Zach's collection we found it. Wonder what that suggests. Princess Zachary has a nice ring to it don't cha think ?"
That got a few laughs out of everyone. Well everyone that wasn't Chris or Zach.
Not seeing any case lying on the floor Chris began to wonder what it could be.
Zoe pressed play whilst trying to cover her giggles . The DVD began to play and it became obvious to Chris what it was. Princess fucking Diary 2 . The one he was in. His first thought was why did they have to choose this ? Quickly followed by the thought why does Zach have this?
Everyone had taken the chance to continuously mock Chris . Ranging from John's comment of " Dude what's with that hair" to Zoe saying through giggles "Oh my god! A bike . You had to ride a bike like that!" Chris had turned a deeply embarrassed shade of red.
Everyone had made some kind of comment except Zach .
Feeling Zach snuggle closer Chris looked down and realised Zach had fallen asleep. Seeing Zach like this did not help him , neither did the close proximity. He tried to move away from Zach but Zach wasn't having that. Sensing that Chris was trying to move away Zach haphazardly flung an arm around Chris's middle and snuggled closer. If only Zach knew what Chris was feeling he really wouldn't be doing this.
Looking around , Chris noticed; Zoe and John were still watching the end of the film and both Karl and Anton were sleeping. He could just hear Karl's soft snoring. He didn't think that anyone had noticed Zach's successful attempts at snuggling closer .Zach shifted his face , resulting in his face being right against Chris' side. Feeling Zach's steady warms breaths against his side was giving him weird fluttery feelings in his stomach.
Giving in seemed the only logical thing to do. He didn't know if he would ever get the chance to be this close to Zach , plus he didn't want to wake him up. Oh well he thought , there could be worse things than being used as some snuggle thing by your friend/secret crush.