Mortis Updates: Ups And Downs

Jan 18, 2008 02:12

Okay, so I got Mortis into Les Schwab today (car repair shop that speclises in tires, for people outside the US) and talked to a very nice guy in a place that stank of cold rubber. GOD that gave me such a headache. But he was very nice and informitive. He looked over my tires and agreed that the first two need replacing now, I couldn't safely drive on the un-blown front one anylonger either. Supriseingly, however, he then told me my back two have been replaced more recently (not much more recently, mind you, but a bit more recently) and should last me a while longer if money is an issue (gee, you think he noticed? ::snort::). They aren't great, but the back tires should hold me at least six months, by which I should have at least half my curent medical bills payed off. I should be able to count on affording another $200+ around then.

So we agreed to replace the fronts with the same type that were already on there, which are the very slightly more expencive tires, but for $35 extra a tire, they last a good bit longer, as I can attest, so I agreed it was the right choice in the long run. I then walked over a block to a little Indian restraunt I always pass but never go into (this is all right in the heart of DownTown Oly) and get some lunch. I've been craving Idian for days, I offten do when the temps drop into the 20's, I start craving foods that warm me up from the inside. I just start eatting some very nice if not exceptional Indian when I get a call from the tire guys...

They found problems. Oh BOY, did they find problems. My aligment is way out, and the brakes are shot, and I couldn't hear which he said because I was in the middle of a restraunt, but one of those two problems is bad enough the object is almost grinding metal-to-metal. They need an extra $500 to fix it.

I keep asking if this has to be done right now, is it safe for me to drive off the lot like it is, does it have to be done right now?? He finaly tells me that no, not technicaly right this second, but it should be done--

I intrupt him and say sorry, I just can't afford that. Fix the tires, I'll do the rest when I can save some money as quickly as possible. You see, I just had both those things worked on a year ago!! You guys may remember when a year ago my car wouldn't start? ...At all? We had it taken over to Terry's on the west side and they fixed everything except the radio antenna? Yah, brakes and aligment included.

So...I promptly lost my entire appitite. I kept eatting, because I kenw I needed it, but I in no way finished, I didn't even fininsh the naan, which is my favorate part of any indian meal!! I meen, I can eat naan even when I'm so sick, I'm throwing up. I love naan. ::sighs:: I finaly gave up when the food started makeing me sick, because I was so upset about the money shit. ::sighs:: Thankfuly, the tire guys called back then and told me they were done (no one else to work on at that moment, so mine got done in about 40min total, if that).

I walked back over, got the printout of what exactly they said needed work and how much it'd be, and told them that, hay, Terry's! A year ago! They're one of the two most reliable car repair shops in the whole area, been that way for years (the other beeing Buckey's, whom we also use). The guy didn't seem to know what to say to that. A part of me wants to think theywere either makeing up the problem for more money, or exaturating it for a better comission, but he was so nice I didn't want to think that about him. ::sighs:: So I'll reserve judgement 'til I can get Dad to look for me, or if not that, take it over to Terry's myself and go "hay, I thought we fixed this...??"

However, past all that? He's running great again. I noticed this morning while driving over to Joan's (she tought me to play Wii Sports, apprently I'm only good at baseball, it was the only thing I kicked her ass in, but if I was playing anyone else, I could probably be good at bowling, too, but Joan basicly gets strikes every bloodly throw so that sques my stats...), that with the donut on instead of my old tire, the shakeing and pulling had stopped. when I drove home from Les Schwab with both tires new, he was running like a dream. No pulling, no grunting, and only squeeling when I turned the wheel too far, which he's always done, he's very pickey about how he likes his wheel turned, and that sounds far dirtyer then I ment...

So...I can drive again! As long as I apprently don't mind takeing my own life into my hands...but what else is new? I'm just glad to have Mortis back, and now I can start going to my out-of-town events, which basicly covers 75% of my monthly plans. Yay!

In other news, I promaced Pics from my little "adventure" the day before yesterday. I got two things to share: the first one is a picture I took inside the church who took me in to warm up. These were two pennants hanging from the wall just inside the main doors of the church. I would also like to draw your attention to the object direclty above the pennants...yes, that is the sprinkler system. ::snickers::

I had to take that one pretty quick, I didn't want to get cought by the nice pre-school teacher who found me. ::LOL:: But lord, I nearly lost it laughing when I actualy read them. Thankfuly I still had my camera in my purse from earler.

Which brins me to my little video. My first video, pretty much, at least my first video shot with my own camera. I threw it up onto YouTube because I didn't have anywhere else I could put it where you could all watch it, without having to actualy download something. It's short, only a few seconds, know it's cold outside when you have to scrape the inside of your car windsheild. ::shakes head:: It's always intresting to have it snow on you inside your car...

image Click to view

Okay, and something really funny? I uploaded that last night, but was too tired to actualy post about it...I just now's had three views? And none of them are mine! ::LOL:: It's a weird feeling that people have found my little video just because it's up there. It's not groundbrakeing or anything, just a moment that made me laugh before the world went to hell. ::shrugs::

images, car, video, weather, update, aarrgghh!!, life

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