Title: If I Were Brave Author: tokidokiko Word count: 299 Concrit?: Yes, please. Pairing: JaeChun - Jaejoong/Yoochun - Soulmate Genre: Soft-Angst Rating: G Summary: Jaejoong wished he was brave.
Title: Hide and Seek Author: tokidokiko Pairing: JaeChun - Jaejoong/Yochun - Soulmate Genre: Romance-ish, Slice-of-Life Rating: G Summary: Jaejoong doesn't like hide and seek unless he's playing it with Yoochun.
Title: Sometimes I Watch You Walk Author: tokidokiko Word count: 457 Concrit?: Yes, please. Pairing: JaeChun - Jaejoong/Yochun - Soulmate Rating: G Summary: Jaejoong is spy for a day.
Title: Cold Shoulder Author: tokidokiko Word count: 396 Concrit?: YES!! Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun - Jaechun - Soulmate Rating: PG Summary: Jaejoong was feeling cold. While Yoochun was feeling like a late night bite.
Let's Meet Again! ~Don't Forget Me~ Jaejoong/Yoochun Their first "Hello" and (maybe?) last "Good-bye" all within 24 hours. A story about losing what you just discovered.