I was going to write this earlier, but I got distracted watching the first season of Alphas and Youtube videos of Penn & Teller: Fool Us.
So the trip started out on the not so right foot. I'm usually so organised with travelling, I would have all my things ready; google map print-outs, pre-checked places to eat, interesting places to go, checklist of things I always bring etc. I actually already printed out all my tickets and vouchers, but I forgot about the first flight, which my Sis#2 bought the tickets of, so I didn't have a copy myself and it didn't register in my head until she was all, 'Umm... we're leaving this morning?'. So instead of being completely prepared, I had half an hour to shower, get dressed and pack up all my stuff. I was ready just on time, then everyone else spent the next half hour sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. I've could've pooped. Or something.
Getting checked in was annoying because my name is long and includes all the bells and whistles of my dad's appointed title. But it was managed in the end. So it was a two hour flight, then an eight hour flight, then four hours. I was great the first two, then got nauseous on the third one so just hid my head under the blanket the whole flight.
During our transit in Melbourne, we took the opportunity to freshen up using samples from this place. It felt fun and sneaky, even though technically it was free anyway. I washed my hair in the sink before I found out where the shower was.
'IN THE EVENT OF NO SIGNS OF LIFE' made me think of a zombie survival kit provided at airports. Made me smile.
Customs was a pain. I watch Border Security, so I was extra careful with what I had. But we had to go to the restricted area for further questioning. The guy asked for our entire itinerary, day by day what we're doing, looking through everything so thoroughly. 'What's this for?' 'What company is it?'. I was like, 'Was it your chocolates, Sis? Why did you have to bring and declare them!!'. But no, it was probably because her ticket was bought before she made her passport which two different officers kinda honed in on. Stay calm and it'll be painless.
Freed from immigration, we took a taxi to the city. Omg. I could buy a flight with that kind of money. So expensive. Then it's more travelling for another four hours on a coach to Rotorua. Two days of just sitting on my ass. Nice.
When I told my boss we were going there, he was like, 'Why? That place stinks.'
And it did, honestly, from all the geothermal activity they had going on here. I thought someone farted in the bus before I realised it. The stink is kinda like a welcome committee in itself. Then it fades away that the smell is a negligible thing. It was late when we arrived. Walked to our backpacker's motel Astray, which I kept calling ashtray. It was tiny but good enough and the person in charge there, Sue, was quite nice.
This is just kinda like a prologue I guess; not much happened. Next entry we have: Hobbiton Tour, obsessing over sheep!!, and etc~
//I think all that sitting has shrunk my ass to half its size.