Meme time!

Jan 28, 2007 20:00

I've been asked to do the Five things you may not know about me meme.

Looking back through the memes I've done previously (=> use my tag or browse my memories), I realized this used to be the 50(!) things meme. *lol*

But five should be enough this time:

1. On my 21st birthday, my obgyn told me that I may not be able to have children. Huh. Go figure. :))

2. I am a cat person. Big tiger paws are the most amazing sight.

3. I almost studied art or graphic design. I'm still sure it would have been fun to study. Looking back, I'm glad I don't have to work as a graphic designer, though. I know some and their work isn't half as fun as I imagined it to be.

4. I don't have a car, and I neither want nor need one. In fact, I chose this place to live exactly because you can get around without one.

5. My favorite color is yellow. It has nothing to do with money and everything to do with the sun.

What I really like a lot better is the 5 QuestionsInterview Meme. So if you didn't see anything interesting in the five things I just told you, feel free to ask me up to five questions and I will answer them. Ask me anything you like!

I've done the question meme before (three years ago). In case you didn't know me then, here are the results: in my memories. Just so you don't ask me anything twice. ;)


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