which kind of crap do you want to watch today?

Mar 04, 2007 20:35

The kind where the last thirty seconds of every episode are pasted on and feature some couple that has nothing to do with the rest of the show? They're called Grissom/Sara or something. :P (CSI)

Or the kind where they have pre-series affairs so we don't have to live through above scenario? I'd rather have the real thing, thank you very much. :) (Without a Trace)

Or the kind where 'pouring one's heart out to her voicemail' is the epitome of love declarations, and the recipient female lead of these attentions loses herself in ever longer peppy monologues. Just in case we have forgotten how hip she is. (Veronica Mars)

Or the kind where it only took half a season to degenerate into an improv fest where you can tell that everyone was having *way* too much fun filming. (Psych)

Or the kind where the characters regularly commit Wraith xenocide or genocide of smallish human settlements. As long as the team stays intact. It won't do to lose Teyla instead of a few thousand boring strangers. (SGA)

Or maybe the kind where the exposition is done twice: in two monologues by two different characters, within two minutes. Hey, it's possible we forgot the first one during commercials! (Stargate SG-1)


Why no BSG? Ah. I can't rant about it because I haven't watched it in months. I'm saving it for when I'm awake again. I'm sure *something* would have presented itself. ;)

In conclusion: I want to keep watching all of them! :D


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