
Jan 26, 2007 12:52

I finally wrote up and sent my feedback for naominovik's Temeraire series. *wibble* The three books are probably the best I've read last year. I'm sure you already know the series, I've seen mention of it all around my flist. If not, don't wait to read it. It rocks. It feels very weird, though, to give feedback on a published work. It made me nervous as hell and thus I procrastinated for months. I already feel inferior to all you great writers on my flist, but she is a 'published author'. That's like adding another dimension. ;) Actually, I do expect more of my flist to become published authors, so I might as well start practicing. :)

I am continuing with Dead Zone and am now mid-season 3. The show is getting better and better. There are still the sappy family moments but they get more bearable the more you get to like the characters. But the general writing is getting better, I think. Less wordy anvil-throwing, more thinky mystery. And the story arc is still really cool.

I suspect it may be that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I really adored eps 3x10 thru 12 of Stargate Atlantis. It makes me want to read McShep fic again, which has been piling up in saved tabs in my Firefox and in 'unread' folders on my harddrive. I don't think I have read any in the last three months.

Still looking forward to every episode of CSI, and, hey, Veronica mars will continue after the Christmas hiatus from hell. I really missed her.

I don't know why I haven't posted anything about BSG since the season premiere, because that show still rocks like nothing else. The rescue maneuver in atmosphere made me squee out loud and admire Adama's guts. That was so amazing and visually stunning, I rewatched it twice. The only thing I didn't like is how easily they later went back to 'pre-New-Caprica' status: apparently daddy only has to say "pull yourselves together, kids" and they go lifting weights and cut their hair. Very disappointing. I expected more out of that messed-up corner from both Lee and Kara. Ah well, I still have hope for the Cylons. They are developing in much more diverse directions than I expected. I bought the first season for Christmas, btw, and showed hubby the miniseries: he loved it. So I am looking forward to rewatching the first season. Yay!

ETA: I fiddled with Photoshop a bit and made some Torchwood Jack/Ianto wallpapers and some icons. But nothing postable, I don't like the results yet. I did promise you the wallpapers I had made for sga_wall months ago, though. And I did that. They're on my Manip Site (the last three are new).

art-art, tv-sga, tv-bsg, recs

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