Meme time!

Jan 28, 2007 20:00

I've been asked to do the Five things you may not know about me meme.

Looking back through the memes I've done previously (=> use my tag or browse my memories), I realized this used to be the 50(!) things meme. *lol*

But five should be enough this time:

5 things you may not know about me )


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Comments 11

rez_lo January 28 2007, 19:55:16 UTC
Tiger paws! As big as dinner plates! Bigger! You're so right.

I'm glad to know about your favorite color. I haven't sent the package yet and I think I'll maybe just add a little something in that respect. I wish I could bottle some sun and send it to you; we have a lot of it out here, even this time of year.

And I'm so very much with you on the not having a car. When I lived in Philadelphia I didn't have one and was happy as clam (why are clams supposed to be so cheery, do you know?). I hate having to depend on one.

I am glad your doctor was wrong.

Here's a question: If you had unlimited funds and time, and could try out different places to live for a few years--not just visit, but not stuck forever, either--what would be your top three and why?


tinnny February 4 2007, 18:09:18 UTC
Tiger paws! As big as dinner plates! Bigger!

I remember the Minnesota Zoo - they have a tiger 'habitat' there, with a bridge through the middle. From that bridge, you can see the tigers who love to lie sleeping under it. Paws streched upwards and underside up from three meters away. *purrrs*

I wish I could bottle some sun and send it to you

You're so sweet! Luckily, we did have some sun here this week. It didn't feel like February at all. The snow has almost completely melted and it was warm outside - and positively sweltering inside. ;)

happy as clam (why are clams supposed to be so cheery, do you know?)

Heee! No, I don't know. I didn't even know the idiom. Yay, I love learning idioms! I guess clams look a bit as if they were smiling... hmm.

I think the appropriate German idiom would be "grinning like a honeycake-horse". And nobody even knows *what* that is supposed to be, let alone why it's happy. ;D

I am glad your doctor was wrong.*hugs* Me, too. It did take a few years of research (= finding the right doctor) to prove him ( ... )


enname January 29 2007, 02:31:21 UTC
Huh, strange as it may seem (or so people tell me) due to my preference for wearing black, my bedroom is decorated primarily in red and yellow. I always love a good, solid warm yellow tone. Much prefer it over something like purple anyday.

Sane you. I wish my parents hadn't have gone and got me a car. I liked having no car and I liked not making my planetary footprint any larger than it needed to be.


A question. Um.

1. Oh...! What do you do for a living? I think I missed this somewhere along the way and never quite worked it out. :P 2. Leading on from there - do you enjoy it? 3. Who is your favourite artist (or who would you aspire to be like) and why?

(well you never said no stupid questions....)

Feel free to ask me questions in return. I am just not sure that I am interesting enough to be asked questions, or that I haven't already told the world. :)


tinnny January 30 2007, 18:02:18 UTC
Hee. :) My parents insisted I do a drivers license, that's as far as they went. Of course, I'm glad I did that. The 6 months I stayed in the US would have been a lot harder without one (or at least a lot more boring //) ).

Now for the questions: I will give you an answer in an flocked post.

I am just not sure that I am interesting enough to be asked questions*Everyone* is interesting enough to be asked questions. I may not be the most social person, but once I feel comfortable with someone, I do take an interest in them ( ... )


_inbetween_ January 31 2007, 01:43:38 UTC
*stalks* I think it's misleading to ask for "a" favourite colour, not fav. colour in clothing vs. furniture vs. decoration vs. hair etc. (I thought I hated yellow but I always do reds and warm yellows).


tinnny February 4 2007, 18:13:00 UTC
Stalking is always welcome here.

*is sad you deleted your journal*

I agree about the favorite colors for different things. But my preference for yellow really is *very* strong. I like it in everything, even clothes and cars and shoes. It's weird. :)

But it has to be a warm yellow, not the neon greenish kind.


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