Title: Remember Characters: Dean, OMCs, John Pairing: Dean/OMCs Rating: NC/17 Word Count:4719 Summary: Dean finds himself on the wrong side of a deal. Warnings: non-con, creepy serial killer rapists. A/N: Written for
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I am really late with my rec of this: bad, bad, Tif, because the wonderful CatsViolin podficced another one of my stories a few weeks ago and I did not put up a post with my incredible love of it immediately. She did a wonderful reading of Fake it 'Til You Make It , a look into Season 4 Dean's headspace. Go listen Here and leave her lots and
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Title: A Better Father Pairing: John/Dean Genre: wincest Rating: R Word Count: 200 Summary: Lots of things wouldn't happen if John was a better father. Warnings: parent/child incest, non-con, A/N: Birthday double drabble for the lovely
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