A Better Father

Jun 17, 2014 22:20

Title: A Better Father
Pairing: John/Dean
Genre: wincest
Rating: R
Word Count: 200
Summary:  Lots of things wouldn't happen if John was a better father.
Warnings:  parent/child incest, non-con,
A/N:  Birthday double drabble for the lovely
jj1564 , who, since her birthday was Father's Day, requested John and then derailed my weechester thoughts by adding "as dark as you like".  Can't resist that kind of permission!  :)  Also, I realize I just put in my summergen author note that I liked John as a decent, non abusive guy, but that's only canon John.  This John?  Definitely AU.  :)

The bottle of Jack is two thirds empty, a battalion of empty glasses lining the scarred surface of the bar. John’s hands are steady, his head clear. Dean’s matched his father shot for shot and John’s insides swirl in ways that have nothing to do with liquor.

A better father would put a stop to Dean’s drinking. A better father would have his son home instead of in a dive bar. A better father wouldn’t be planning to fuck his eldest through a sagging motel mattress in an hour or so, already half hard in anticipation of the boy’s choked back cries.

Dean’s outwardly calm, but John can read the subtle tension in his shoulders, notes the waves in Dean’s glass from almost imperceptible tremors in his hand.   John must have tells too because though he never gives Dean any warning, somehow he always knows.

John wraps his hand around the back of Dean’s neck and growls let’s go, gaze sweeping the bar as Dean reluctantly slides to his feet. More than one person’s watching his boy with interest but heads turn away when John’s glare radiates mine tonight, motherfuckers.

“Mine whenever I want.” Dean shudders at John’s whisper. “Always.”

dean, john/dean, john, wincest, non-con, alcohol abuse, drabble

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