Dear Summergen Author

Jun 16, 2014 14:09

First of all, thank you so much for writing me a story!  Most of all I want you to have fun with the prompts and take them in any direction you'd like to take them.   Except:  :)  AU (sorry, don't remember much about my sign up dislikes so I'll reiterate them here),  I prefer no angels, including Cas, I'm not crazy about Bobby as father figure, no making characters jackasses (unless it's canon).  John can be a conflicted, not father of the year guy, but he loves his kids and I'd like that to come through if he's in anyway involved in your story.  Also, please no first person POV.

My preference if somebody's getting whumped is that it be Dean, and I'm fine with him hiding his pain (mental or physical) but I'd like it best if someone figured it out, and tried to help.  I love all the seasons and post canon and pre canon so go wild (though some of the prompts were pretty time frame specific).   A well written OC is love.  If the prompts take you dark, I LOVE dark.  If they take you light and schmoopy I LOVE that too.  Humor, h/c, dark, schmoop, wee-chesters, teen chesters, angst, weird,  Sam looking out for Dean, Dean looking out for Sam, John looking out for both of them, Ellen not taking their crap or Azazel screwing with them, throw in anyone not on the do not want list and it's all good.

So, anyway, I hope the prompts inspire you and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

not fic, dear summergen author, summergen

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