Back in the day, I was content to glue together a model, prime it, paint it and seal it, then get it on the gaming table and go to town. Four easy steps
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Last night the Golden God and I ventured to the LGS and played a game of Warmachine to stay sharp, since we were both out of town on our usual game night.
My LGS hosted a Steamroller tournament for Warmachine/Hordes on Sunday October 19th. This time, the Golden God sacked up to join in the carnage, but once again the other regulars in our little group got sand in their genitalia and punked out
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Sunday, September 14th, Game Empire hosted a WarMachine Legends release tournament. I was the only person in my regular play group with the stones to compete. Here's the report:
Tonight, I plan to finish painting the Man-o-War DrakhunHe's been a right beast to assemble and paint, but the results have been quite good so far. I've been using a mix of P3 and Citadel paints on this bad-boy, to good effect
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Last night, the Golden God invited a succubus into our house. She seemed unassuming enough, at first blush, just another of the Golden God's angelic host of incredibly hot chicks
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