Painter or Gamer

Nov 21, 2008 08:12

Back in the day, I was content to glue together a model, prime it, paint it and seal it, then get it on the gaming table and go to town. Four easy steps.

These days, I'm a LOT more anal about my nerd-hobby.

Here's the most recent example. I'm gearing up to paint the Katrina Variant of Vladimir, Dark Prince of Umbrey this weekend. The model comes in three pieces, body, right arm and cape. Here's the process I'm following:

  1. File off all flash and mold-lines.
  2. Scrub pieces with a toothbrush and dish-soap to remove mold grease.
  3. Drill pin-holes in arm and shoulder joint.
  4. Glue body to base, glue pin into arm, glue textured sand to base.
  5. Prime body, arm and cape.
  6. Paint body, except for right shoulder socket.
  7. Paint sword and forearm of arm.
  8. Attach arm to body.
  9. Paint upper arm and shoulder socket.
  10. Paint underside of cape.
  11. Attach cape.
  12. Sculpt green-stuff modelling putty into the gap between the cape and the body to fill in detail of where the cape meets the shoulders.
  13. Paint topside of cape.
  14. Paint sand on base.
  15. Apply static grass, snow, leaves and whatever other flair to base.
  16. Seal model with matte varnish.
  17. Play WARMACHINE with finished model.
This doesn't even begin to go into the details of the actual painting process.

All this for one model.

Yes, I'm a huge nerd. AND YOU KNOW THIS!

warmachine, painting, geek, nerd

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