Tonight, I plan to finish painting the
Man-o-War Drakhun.
He's been a right beast to assemble and paint, but the results have been quite good so far. I've been using a mix of P3 and Citadel paints on this bad-boy, to good effect.
Once again, I've been using the "tinting" technique for metallics, painting all metallic areas silver, then using a blend of inks to tint certain areas bronze. I've become fairly adept with this technique and am quite pleased with the results.
Citadel's Dark Flesh is bar none the best base coat for red I have ever used (it's a deep red-toned brown). It covers black primer in a single coat and layers really well with Khador Red Base from P3. Tonight's work will consist mainly of blending up red highlights, then glazing with red and yellow inks. I'm considering using the Citadel Wash Baal Red in the glazing stage, as kind of a pre-glaze shading wash, but since this would be my first experiment with the Wash, I may forego its use this time around in favor of more familiar techniques.
Once the Drakhun is done, I'm going to move on to some smaller warrior models. Up next on the docket are:
I think I will try painting the warcasters & Kovnik Joe in one group, then Yuri, the Manhunter and Alten in another. This grouping keeps models with similar color schemes together and should make the overall process a bit faster.
On the other hand, it's tempting to paint Vlad and Epic Irusk individually, as they will be centerpiece models that I want to look as good as possible. This will, of course, take considerably more time, but it may be worth it.
After the warcasters and solos, it'll be back to 'jacks. These are easy. I have 2
Berserkers to paint. I plan to freehand some Khadoran script on one of them that transcribes to "WYLSMF?" which, of course, stands for "Would You Like Some Making Fuck?"
After the relative ease of 'jack painting, it will be time go grit my teeth and do some units. Units take forever and a day. To start will be two squads of
Greylords Ternion. These guys are hella detailed. I'm sure they will be fun to paint, but it's going to take a long ass time. They are pretty bitchin' on the battlefield though, so I am incentivized to get them done.
The real pain in the arse is going to be the
Kayazy Assassins and
Kayazy Underboss. This will be a total of 11 models. I think after this, I am never going to paint a unit of more than 3 again. OK, that's a total lie.
Down the line will be Epic Warcaster
Orsus Zoktavir, a second unit of
Doom Reavers and
Fenris. I may bump these guys up above the KAs, as I am more excited to play these models, but if I don't paint the KA first I may never paint them.
Somewhere in all this, I also need to find time to paint up 50+ minis for Dark Heresy and possibly some Trollbloods...
Oh, and I promised Kanke I'd paint Kromac for him.
Better get crackin'!