What would you think if I sang out of tune

Jan 29, 2009 22:46

Emerging briefly from my work-heap for a special reason. Great googly moogly, it's twigcollins's birthday! Hooray!

A very patchwork account of how I met Twig )

birthday writeup, linkage

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Comments 51

hackthis January 30 2009, 05:02:36 UTC
If I get nightmares from that six creatures that will kill your ass, I am coming after you. And speaking of coming after you, I notice a whopping lack of scaly!dick fic in here. How am I supposed to feel encouraged to write GK HS AU (too many capital letters that don't make a word). Okay, I am so tired I just lost my train of thought, so I am going to bed now. As soon as I finish this Eggo waffle.


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 06:51:58 UTC
I guess the five most horrifying bugs in the world aren't going to thrill you either then, huh? I keep meaning to sit down and finish the scaly!dick story-- I finally kind of scraped a plot together-- but I first have to post the other two bits of a different story, or be forever haunted by the Vengeful Spirits Who Torment Those Who Don't Come Through With Their Ficathon Assignment.

It's totally coming. I will post scaly dicks until the cows come home to obtain the GK HS AU. ...And you're right, the letters look like some weird grouping of elements.

Damn. Now I want a waffle.


hackthis January 30 2009, 17:16:29 UTC


alhazred January 30 2009, 05:22:19 UTC
Oh god, the recently deflowered girl. And oh god, sex with horrific consequences. I know I've seen that before and until right now I could've sworn it was because you'd already posted it; but hey, at least it's here now, right?

I so could not make it through the last one, despite being in the "meat is tasty" crowd, I'm a total wuss and have to live in that fantasy world of things like this being magical and not at all disturbing that gets PETA so riled up. Then again, you could walk up to PETA, say "Pink Elephants!" and they would get riled up.

twigcollins: Oh totally. I had like, two beers, two amber ciders, three shots, a shot of rum which was a HUGE mistake, some Jager, a Zima, and a hard lemonade. And then I was like ZOMG WANNA BE ON COMPUTER. THORRNE. THORNE LET'S WRITE A BIG ASS THING. I SAW AN ANIME. WE'RE ON A BRIIIIDGE.


ThorneScratch: Also, I like that you're still my friend even when I compare our friendship to pandas having sex.

I will never, ever have enough of your chat logs. Ever.



thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 06:29:42 UTC
Man, they really kind of socked it to the Chinese in that, didn't they? I was offended on behalf of my ancestors. I've posted a lot of articles similar to the sex one from Cracked.com, so you've probably seen something along the same lines pop up here.

The last one nearly did me in, too. I was wincing and peeping out from behind my fingers in order to make it through. That poor donkey. PETA tends to irritate me by dint of their methods. I'd respect them more if they could find better ways to protest than by throwing paint at people.

That is a relief, because I tend to lean heavily on the chat logs when I'm too brain dead to compose an entry, yet want to assure people I'm not dead.


alhazred January 30 2009, 11:47:53 UTC
I am oddly reminded of my character in Saints Row 2, who is a pasty-white gheyed out redhead with a cockneye accent leading a street gang of blacks and latinos against the Chinese mafia who all wear yellow, have spiky hair, and swords. Then again, this particular game is very much aware of its stereotypes and not only isn't sorry, but it's probably the most mild thing about the whole experience.

My biggest problem with PETA isn't just their tact, or lack thereof, it's their batshit insanity. I remember this one PETA thing where they were trying to get a campaign going where as many people as they could convince would call up KFC stores to "convince" the workers to quit in protest to cruelty to the chickens.

I'm not rightly sure what kind of mind one must possess to believe that works in any fast food chain are there because they want to be and would leave on a moment's notice if you, say, gave them lots of money. Morality, naturally, doesn't pay ( ... )


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 22:40:10 UTC
That game sounds like it belongs over here. Like the article says, As upsetting as it usually is to hear someone advocate small-scale genocide, by this point in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City you've already performed a drive-by in a golf cart and chased an obese man down a public street while wielding a chainsaw. So to be fair, we're not even sure the word "genocide" means anything in a game where you accidentally kill two people every time you back up your car.

Basically, yeah, it's fucked, but it's in the middle of a larger fucked up world.

Yeah, PETA can be crazy like that. I don't bother to expect much rationality from them. Mostly, it's just worthy of an eye-roll, and to go about the day's business without devoting any further attention to them.

I use AIM because I'm set in my ways! It's what I've done, and what I will continue to do until I no longer can. I'm sure I'll think of something new when I have to replace my computer, but for the time being, I am happy in the rut.


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thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 07:21:55 UTC
Last year on her birthday, I posted that horrible, horrible insect list, so I figured I should return to the source to find other articles just as terrifying.

Twig's pretty cool, ain't she? Nearly all the people I meet online are. I haven't found an ax murderer or child molester yet.


(The comment has been removed)

thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 07:38:46 UTC
I can waste so much time on Cracked.com, seriously. But yes, you should be asleep!

It's okay, I'm sure she wouldn't hold it against you. I mean, we've all been in that place where you've got to laugh at the ridiculous shit the world gets up to.


zenkatsuo January 30 2009, 11:12:33 UTC
Happy BDay to Twig.

BTW, Generation Kill will be on public tv here in March. Yay!


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 18:56:18 UTC
It will? Hooray! Do they usually air things with subtitles or dubbed over? Will they keep all the swearing (because there is a LOT of swearing) or will it get censored? Don't forget, if you want to see it sooner, some kind soul has ripped and put up the entire DVD set on generation_kill for downloading. You have to join the community, though.


zenkatsuo January 30 2009, 22:06:48 UTC
In Finland everything but childrens programs are subbed. Swearing isn't usually ever bleeped unless it's in finnish and so early that kids might be watching. Of course Finnish kids call each other whore and fucking cunt, but I guess it's win some, lose some...

I think I can wait because downloading without torrenting isn't good for my blood pressure. I'd hate to pop an artery because of this series. Then again, maybe after seeing it it'll become apparent that Generation Kill was the one thing that would've been worth popping an artery for.

Thanks for reccing it, otherwise I'd probably ended up missing it.


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 22:41:29 UTC
Makes sense. Here, we still use the language, you just can't air it on television. Different strokes, and all that. I personally think GK is worth it, even a long download period, but that's just me. Hope you enjoy!


m_steelgrave January 30 2009, 14:15:15 UTC
It's sad that I am more horrified by the sheer number of fecal bacteria mentioned in the places to have sex article than all the others combined. I might also suggest they include dormitory and gymnasium showers as places that might sound interesting, but only end with athlete's foot dick.


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 18:58:25 UTC
I know, I feel like going all Howard Hughes with Kleenex boxes on my feet. Or Nikola Tesla, who was also crazy that way, as we have mentioned before!

Athelete's dick. Ew. Thanks, now that will flash through my brain the next time I am writing swimslash.


m_steelgrave January 31 2009, 04:41:17 UTC
God, between Cracked and CSI, it's a wonder I leave my house at all.

Athelete's dick. Ew. Thanks, now that will flash through my brain the next time I am writing swimslash.

My work here is done.


thorne_scratch January 31 2009, 21:17:52 UTC
You know, I'm pretty someday, all that will be shown on the television are old aired episodes of CSI and Law and Order (various permutations). I swear, I can turn on the television at any time of the day and find either of those, always.

I think I need to steal the athlete's dick line for a scene in scaly dicks, anyway.


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