What would you think if I sang out of tune

Jan 29, 2009 22:46

Emerging briefly from my work-heap for a special reason. Great googly moogly, it's twigcollins's birthday! Hooray!

Over eight years ago, I was wandering haplessly through the FFVII section in the pit of voles, when I stumbled across this one story that was, like, already thirty chapters long and still growing. And unlike a lot of the multi-chaptered things found on that site, it was good. It was head and shoulders above nearly everything there, and with more yet to come.

Huh, I thought to myself, I should send this person an email and say how much I liked her story. So I did!

And I did not get a reply.

Little did I know at the time, but Twig and email are like… mortal enemies. Or something. It was actually a big relief to me, because if she had responded, I would have been "Oh my God, oh my God, don't look at me!" because I get social anxiety around people I admire. Anyway, time went on, we were on the same mailing list, and I honestly cannot remember for the life of me how we actually did get our friendship going. Either I must have tried emailing her again and gotten a reply, or she must have reviewed something I wrote, because at some point, we started talking on IM, and she convinced me to start a pita blog, and I met a lot of my friends through her.

ThorneScratch: (I am writing about how I met you)

twigcollins: (Take out that part about that guy I threw out of the car. He lived.)

twigcollins: (He was never the same again but he lived.)

ThorneScratch: (Dude, if you can call that living.)

ThorneScratch: Did I IM you first or did you IM me? I know I emailed you first.

twigcollins: I really have no idea. I remember the night I drunk-texted you about Pale Sky.

ThorneScratch: I remember that because you had confessed to drinking Zima. And I was all, "What? What?"

twigcollins: Oh totally. I had like, two beers, two amber ciders, three shots, a shot of rum which was a HUGE mistake, some Jager, a Zima, and a hard lemonade. And then I was like ZOMG WANNA BE ON COMPUTER. THORRNE. THORNE LET'S WRITE A BIG ASS THING. I SAW AN ANIME. WE'RE ON A BRIIIIDGE.

ThorneScratch: Then, something about Dalmatians. And haaaaaaaaaaands.

twigcollins: I was totally nervous.

ThorneScratch: It was mutual. Man. How did we manage to do it? We're both so bad at interactions. It must be like panda sex. Like, every now and then, it actually works, but the rest of the time, we're all, "Uh... yeah... maybe if you rotate it forty five degrees."

ThorneScratch: Also, I like that you're still my friend even when I compare our friendship to pandas having sex.

So, yeah. That's the version I can tell in public, anyway. Twig, you are awesome, and the year had better be good to you, or else. You've given me a lot of wonderful things over the years, and I hope I'll someday be able to pay even more of it back. I'll be leaving your birthday fic over on the Pale Sky com tomorrow, and the other stuff should find its way to you in the mail. Now, in celebration of the glorious day, have some boggling links.

The Recently Deflowered Girl. A parody of an etiquette guide by Edward Gorey. That it's illustrated by Edward Gorey is kind of all you need to know.

Nine Awesome Places to Have Sex and the Horrific Consequences. Swimslash people, for the love of God, please take note of number eight. Not to mention, if you fuck in the pool, the lifeguards will hate you forever. Yes, we will. That goes for hot tubs, too.

The Six Deadliest Creatures (That Can Fit in Your Shoe). Man, Australia. I really admire you guys; you have all manner of creatures that just seem to come right up and fuck with your shit.

The Six Most Sadistic Dishes From Around the World. Vegetarians might want to give this one a miss.

One of these days I will have a life again. I hope.

birthday writeup, linkage

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