What would you think if I sang out of tune

Jan 29, 2009 22:46

Emerging briefly from my work-heap for a special reason. Great googly moogly, it's twigcollins's birthday! Hooray!

A very patchwork account of how I met Twig )

birthday writeup, linkage

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alhazred January 30 2009, 11:47:53 UTC
I am oddly reminded of my character in Saints Row 2, who is a pasty-white gheyed out redhead with a cockneye accent leading a street gang of blacks and latinos against the Chinese mafia who all wear yellow, have spiky hair, and swords. Then again, this particular game is very much aware of its stereotypes and not only isn't sorry, but it's probably the most mild thing about the whole experience.

My biggest problem with PETA isn't just their tact, or lack thereof, it's their batshit insanity. I remember this one PETA thing where they were trying to get a campaign going where as many people as they could convince would call up KFC stores to "convince" the workers to quit in protest to cruelty to the chickens.

I'm not rightly sure what kind of mind one must possess to believe that works in any fast food chain are there because they want to be and would leave on a moment's notice if you, say, gave them lots of money. Morality, naturally, doesn't pay.

I've been tempted to copy your AIM log ways, but aside from never having interesting conversations, I also almost never use IMs as opposed to VOIP via GTalk or Skype anymore. This did, recently, generate it's own brand of problem when I caused a friend I was VOIPing with to laugh so hard he had to go to the hospital. I wish I was making that up. They worried for awhile that he might've had a mini-stroke.


thorne_scratch January 30 2009, 22:40:10 UTC
That game sounds like it belongs over here. Like the article says, As upsetting as it usually is to hear someone advocate small-scale genocide, by this point in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City you've already performed a drive-by in a golf cart and chased an obese man down a public street while wielding a chainsaw. So to be fair, we're not even sure the word "genocide" means anything in a game where you accidentally kill two people every time you back up your car.

Basically, yeah, it's fucked, but it's in the middle of a larger fucked up world.

Yeah, PETA can be crazy like that. I don't bother to expect much rationality from them. Mostly, it's just worthy of an eye-roll, and to go about the day's business without devoting any further attention to them.

I use AIM because I'm set in my ways! It's what I've done, and what I will continue to do until I no longer can. I'm sure I'll think of something new when I have to replace my computer, but for the time being, I am happy in the rut.


alhazred January 31 2009, 20:38:24 UTC
It really, really does. It's so much better than GTA, because it makes absolutely no pretention to realism whatsoever. There's a scene where another rival gang kidnaps the player-character and takes him for a ride in their limo. This gang is mostly Jamaican and they're all smoking blunts, so he gets this massive contact high and still manages to escape; but you have to play the next mission while still high, to the point where his cell phone confuses him.
"Boss! The Samedi are coming after the hideout!"
"...Shaaaaaawndi? But yer'not here, so how am I hearing you?"
"...are you on something?"
"Y'know wot I like about you? Y'name. Izzit Irish?"
"...okay, I'm gonna die."

I'll be sure to remember to keep AIM open in case you get around to writing that Thing and need help, then. (Although if you got a mic and gave GTalk or Skype a whirl, I would totally start blogging about how "ZOMG I TALKED TO THORNE. LIKE WITH ACTUAL VOICES. I AM MOVING UP IN THE WORLD!")


thorne_scratch January 31 2009, 23:04:06 UTC
I'll give you a shout one night. I'm on at weird hours, these days. I don't think I have your IM name, do I?

Skype confuses me! I think I tried it with Patrick once, and then I gave up and used the actual phone. Maybe I'll just do a voice post. Not like I ever use those things.


alhazred February 1 2009, 07:19:21 UTC
I work second-shift every night so my sleeping schedule is hardly anything but weird, anyway. Also: "S H Tweedle."

I actually prefer GTalk because it's got better voice quality (and is also more user-friendly. It's an IM client that has a "CALL!" button right in the window) but it doesn't do conference-calls, so on those occasions, Skype gets pulled out of that awkward place on the top shelf of the closet where it usually sits gathering dust...


thorne_scratch February 1 2009, 19:36:47 UTC
Great, I'll add the name to my list.


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