(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 13:55

Slow afternoon at the library. I wish I could write porn here; I'd work on my km_anthology fic. Which is getting plotty and character-study-y. O_o Quite enjoying my turtle mocha and ginger-date scone.

Copied from spookykat:

The Fanfic Cliche Meme

Fanfic meme:

Genderswap: No
Bodyswap: No
Drunk!fic: (Is this a fic written while drunk, or a fic about drunk characters? If the former, no. If the latter ... yes.)
Huddling together for warmth: Yes (Down the Long Corridors of Air, Spock/McCoy, teen)
Undercover in a gay bar: No
Pretending to be married: No
Secretly a virgin: No OMG, yes! I just remembered. Though he was only 15/16, so it's not that unusual. It just wasn't the popular characterization. (Solace, Duo/Hilde, teen)
Amnesia: I don't remember No
Cross-dressing: No
Forced to share a bed: No
Aliens made them do it: No
Wingfic: .... yes. But it was a parody. (The Trouble With Angels, Trowa/Quatre, adult)
Mpreg: .... yes. But it was a parody. Kindasorta. (Frakked Up Beyond All Recognition, Sam/Kara, teen)
Mistakenly assumed to be gay: No
Let's play truth or dare: No
Mary Sue fic: I suppose Ekatia counts, though she had her flaws. (But most of the other characters loved her and she got to make out with one of the leads and yeah.)
Aphrodisiacs: No
Curtain fic: I'm not sure. They're moving in together and arranging furniture, but it's angsty. (Mirror, Sirius/Remus, adult)
Hurt/Comfort: Dude. That is practically all I write these days!
Apocalypse fic: Possibly.
Someone has a baby: No. (I've written about pregnant people and people with babies, but no actual childbirth scenes.)
Baby!fic: See above.
Telepathic soulbonding: I want to say ... no. (Some characters are just very in tune with each other. But no soul-bonding.)
Werewolves mate for life: Fuck! I knew I left something out of Pieces of You!

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