Fan Fiction Sorted By Story Arc

Jan 03, 2010 15:27

Eventually, I'm hoping to locate and organize all the story arcs I've written, but for now, this is a work in progress. Story arc = a series of three or more connected stories. All of these stories can be read independently. Unless otherwise noted, all links go to livejournal posts.

This post does not include my one-shots. At some point, I may catalog them as well, but for now, I think LJ's tag system does the job.

Star Trek Reboot

The Forever-verse
(summer - autumn 2009)

Primary characters & ships: McCoy, Kirk, Joanna McCoy, Spock Prime, Spock, Winona Kirk (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura)
Rating: teen to adult
Summary: "D'you think we could've been more than friends?" "I think maybe we were. Exactly what we were, I don't know. But I think we were always more than friends." The Ballad of Bones and Jim.

  • In A Moment Close To Now
  • Heading Straight For A Fall (teen overall, one adult scene)
  • Pillowcase (ficlet)
  • The Next Time You Say Forever (Adult in places, though not especially explicit)
  • Bloom and Grow
  • Fellows Will Fall in Line (Adult)

    The So Fucked Up We Belong Together Arc
    (April 2009 - ?)

    Primary ship: Kirk/McCoy
    Rating: Adult (explicit sex, language)
    Summary: When Leonard McCoy arrives at Starfleet Academy he's still reeling from his divorce and his father's death. He falls in with Jim Kirk, who also has daddy issues up the wazoo. They're drawn to each other from the start, but it takes them a while, and a serious of missteps and miscommunications, to figure out the strength of their bond.

  • Armed With Every Precious Failure
  • This Body of Wonder and Uncertainty
  • Amateur Cartography

    The Dragonriders of Pern

    That AU where Wirenth doesn't die
    (early 2009)

    Primary characters & ships: Kylara, Thella, Brekke, F'nor, F'lar, Lessa, T'ron, OCs (canon ships)
    Rating: teen+
    Summary: Like the title says, an alternate timeline where Canth makes it to Wirenth in time to save her, and Kylara lives to cause more trouble.

  • Who Tries, Does
  • Who Wills, Can
  • Who Loves, Lives

    The Lion in Winter / Plantagenets

    The Geoffrey Arc
    (winter 2007 - early 2008)

    Primary characters & ships: Geoffrey, John, Philip, Constance of Brittany (Geoffrey/Constance)
    Rating: teen
    Summary: Follows Geoffrey Plantagenet - for a little while, anyway - from his defeat at Chinon to his schemes with Philip and John in France.

  • Nobody's Good Son (archived at Yuletide Treasures)
  • More Aloes Than Honey
  • Nightfall

    Harry Potter

    The Midnight Conversations
    (summer 2003 - 2005)

    Primary Ships and Characters: Sirius/Remus, James/Lily, Peter/OC, Regulus Black
    Rating: See individual stories. This one runs the gamut from all ages to adult.
    Summary: Follows the lives of Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, Peter, and Regulus from childhood to just before Voldemort's first defeat, with a focus on Sirius and Remus's relationship.

  • Moonrise
  • The Secret Language of Cats
  • Disjunction
  • At the Beginning
  • Blood Price (NA)
  • The Routine (NA)
  • A Parting of Ways (NA)
  • She Will Have Music
  • Unbecoming a Black (NA)
  • Three Weeks Outside Time (mostly teen, though Chapter Two contains a fairly explicit scene)
  • Tread Softly (Adult)
  • Consequences
  • No Return (NA)
  • You're Welcome
  • Falling for the First Time (Adult)
  • Light All Around Them (Adult-ish)
  • Midnight Conversation #1
  • What You'll Miss (Adult)
  • Midnight Conversation #2
  • This Bird Has Flown
  • From Paris, With Love (Adult)
  • Left Unsaid
  • A Meeting of Strangers (note: post contains several ficlets)
  • Midnight Conversation #3
  • Midnight Conversation #4
  • Midnight Conversation #5 (NA)
  • Morning Song
  • Satellites
  • Burns Night (Adult)
  • Lady Marian Joins the Band
  • Two of Us
  • Midnight Conversation #6
  • Midnight Conversation #7
  • Midnight Conversation #8
  • A Matter of Pride (Adult)
  • Footpad Returns (NA)
  • Midnight Conversation #9 (NA)
  • Question and Answer
  • And You Know That For Sure

    Gundam Wing

    The Angels Arc
    (early 2001 - summer 2002)

    Primary Characters & Ships: Trowa/Quatre, Heero/Relena, Duo/Hilde, Noin/Zechs, Catherine/Abdul, Sally/Wufei
    Rating: see individual fics because I honestly don't remember
    Summary: This began as rom com, but became a little more serious as Trowa and Quatre realized that their pasts were getting in the way of their ability to lead what they considered normal lives. This isn't the complete list of stories; I don't know where the others are.

  • Misguided Angels
  • Sleepy Angels (NA)
  • Angels Over Coffee
  • Angel Standing By (NA)
  • For Fun
  • Angel Mine
  • Spook
  • Faded Memories

    Untitled Arc
    (autumn 2000 - early 2003)

    Primary Characters & Ships: Hilde, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Relena, Dorothy, Wufei (Hilde/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Dorothy)
    Rating: teen
    Summary: Spans the time between the decision to destroy the Gundams and the aftermath of Marie Maia's attempted coup.

  • Solace
  • Shades of Grey
  • Prelude
  • All the White Horses Have Gone On Ahead
  • Question
  • Duo's Lie
  • Surfacing
  • fic: pern, fic: story arcs, fic: hp (harry potter), fic: plantagenets, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: gw (gundam wing)

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