(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 00:03

I swear, I wanted to tranquilize Sophie today. I had to put her in the penalty box (i.e. the bathroom) twice. O_o She was crazy. She's five and a half. Shouldn't she be mellow by now?

ETA: For people who are new to this journal: Sophie is my cat, not a child. *g* I wouldn't lock a child in the bathroom. Probably.


Good librarian that I am, I thought I'd round up all the story arcs I've written and make a master post. There's the Forever-verse from ST, the Pern AU, the Angels arc from GW, the other GW arc where all the fics are in the first person, Midnight Conversations, and the HP AU that "In Theory" is a part of. I think.

Yeah, this is where my inability to remember what the hell I've written becomes a problem. Also, I'm seriously daunted by the sheer volume of Harry Potter fics in my back catalog. O_O

Also, I'm not sure I want to facilitate the finding of certain fics, particularly from my Gundam Wing days.

Maybe it'll be a project for Monday, if work is slow.
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