Even though it is snowing outside right now, I still have Spring on my mind. Maybe cause I hear it's supposed to be in the 60's on my birthday (next week) so I'm really looking forward to that! Sunshine and nice weather would be a wonderful gift! The last time it got so pretty out (a couple of Sundays ago) we looked at out planting calendar and
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Last Monday, Andy and I spent St. Patrick's Day walking around the neighborhood, and eventually ended up at Lincoln Antiques. We walked by our favorite row of mill houses, although the amount of graffiti has doubled since last time.
Wahoo! Last night I placed an order for heirloom seeds for our 2009 jardin. I'm sure we'll add things here and there when the time comes to visit nurseries around town. I'm just excited to know that the seeds we harvest will be able to be planted next season with fruits and veggies that are the same as the parent. I've also been gathering flower
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