Secret Agent Meg [open]

Jun 16, 2009 17:31

Characters: Megara and anyone from any ship who'd like to get backtalked meet her~
Content: Megara is wandering around the marketplace, doing a bit of sightseeing, but mostly looking for people to tell Aizen about to socialize with.
Setting: All around the makeshift town
Time: All day
Warnings: TSUNTSUN. Sass. But she'll be a heck of a lot ( Read more... )

leo de alkirk, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ hinamori momo, grell sutcliff, dimo, ≠ harlequin, sebastian michaelis, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ megara, ≠ lavi

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Comments 147

adiosasshole June 16 2009, 22:17:41 UTC
It was about that time that Shinjiro, being the social butterfly that he was, got into the first spot of violence in what was sure to many while the Silvana was docked. The cook had been picking up a few things: The stalls weren't nearly enough for food stocking, but it was good enough for a few rare extras. And then the same vendor Meg had been avoiding pounced.

Now Shinjiro had finally reached his limit. The vendor had been pestering him and trying to cheep cut him for almost 15 minutes, and he had enough. His hands slammed on the wood, making things rattle.

"Eight dubloons?! What the hell!? You-" Things from there devolved into indecipherable yelling as the two men bickered.


hadesandback June 16 2009, 22:35:19 UTC
Meg considered not getting involved. It might be more fun to watch the ensuing spectacle, and maybe see Dibbles get what was coming to him, the creep.

But in the end, she decided to step in. She needed to meet new people, and this would be a good place to start. Striding over to the two bickering men, she leaned one elbow on Dibbles' stall. "C'mon, Dibbles, cut it out, already," she said in a pacifying tone. "Leave the guy alone. And stop trying to rip people off. Just because this isn't Kropmork doesn't mean everyone'll bite the first hook they see."

She turned to the scruffy-looking stranger. "Don't mind him," she sighed, "he does this to everyone." Play nice, remember. She was here to get to know people.

Behind her, the vendor griped at her for stealing his customers away. "Look, Dibbles, he wasn't going to buy anything, not at the prices you're trying to set. Who'd pay through the nose for a cat pie, anyway?" She scowled as the vendor protested, denying the accusations, and rolled her eyes.


adiosasshole June 18 2009, 20:07:41 UTC
Shinjiro paused in his rant, looking over at the woman. He blinked a few times, then scowled. Not at her, but at Dibbles.

"Dibbles!? I -thought- I recognized you, you sonvabitch!" He growled, starting to leaning over the counter, only to realize that getting into a brawl might not do well for him.

"Tch. Cat is the -high- quality shit. This is probably rat..." He turned back to Meg, half-smiling, half-smirking. "He a friend of yours?"


hadesandback June 18 2009, 20:23:16 UTC
"I wouldn't say that," she replied, a small scowl of distaste on her face. She toyed with the end of her shawl. "Let's just say I've known him for a long time." She flat-out ignored Dibbles' protests, talking over them like they weren't there.

"I see you've had the dubious honor of sampling his creations," Meg remarked. "Kropmork?" What was it with today and running into people from Kropmork? Had the entire city migrated here for the races? Ugh, she hoped not. She wouldn't wish Kropmork on anywhere.


peachesnotplums June 16 2009, 22:34:39 UTC
Hinamori had been temporarily relieved of patrol duty despite her protestations-apparently... of course... she had to have breaks every so often, but she actually felt kind of... well. There was the fact that Toshirou had gone missing-not that it hadn't happened before, but it still... Well.

She supposed she should go to the fair, just to see if there was anything she could see, at least. Maybe she'd find something out! It hadn't been that long ago, so he couldn't have gone far and- ...was that Hang-Meself Dibbles?

She stared for a moment or so, wondering if the nostalgia was worth considerable damage to her stomach lining.


hadesandback June 16 2009, 22:40:39 UTC
"Don't do it," came a voice from behind her. Meg stood there, arms crossed. She'd seen the girl eying Dibbles' meat pies. "Trust me. It's not worth it." She didn't understand what the appeal of the meat pies was, but they did seem to have an appeal. People kept buying them, even if they knew how horrible the pies were. It was strange.

But if she could keep this girl from succumbing to the pull of the pies, then all the better.


peachesnotplums June 16 2009, 22:51:34 UTC
"Waugh!" yelped Hinamori, turning around in surprise, then blushing slightly in embarrassment. "Oh. Um. Excuse me, I'm not very good with people coming up behind me." After a moment, she smiled.

"Don't worry, I know, but I kind of felt like I wanted one anyway. I don't really get it myself..."


hadesandback June 16 2009, 22:57:23 UTC
"Don't look at them too long. You'll get sucked in." Meg grinned, teasing.

She sobered a little after a moment, looking sideways at the vendor. "I don't know what it is, but no matter how horrible you know they are, people always seem to want one," she mused. "Best to avoid him altogether."


theschmotone June 17 2009, 01:42:07 UTC
"Come on, pay op!" Dimo chided the startled man standing next to him. He clapped a strong hand onto the fellow's shoulder and gave him the Jager version of a companionable smile. For any normal person, though, it was a pretty damned unsettling expression to be confronted with. "Hyu bet me six francs dot I couldn't tell vhere dot plane vas from vithout looking at it. Hyu lost, keed. Now pay op!"

Six coins were dropped mutely into Dimo's hand, and the fellow wandered away, stealing confused glances over his shoulder. He didn't need to know that Dimo could tell the difference between steel forged in Ivona and steel forged in Vohemar by scent.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 02:47:30 UTC
That was interesting. Meg wasn't sure exactly what sort of demihuman that man was, but he'd be worth talking to, for certain. "Gambling away kids' pocket change?" she asked, eyebrows raised. Her tone and expression were far from condemning--on the contrary, she was amused.


theschmotone June 18 2009, 04:17:29 UTC
"Ho, iz even eazier den dot!" Dimo scoffed, tossing the coins lazily in the air before putting them away in his belt pouch. "I doezn't have to do any vork at all, und dey zeems perfectly happy to pay to vatch me do zometing vhat I does naturally." He flashed her a happy and pointed smile. "Iz a simple vay to get zome spare pocket change."


hadesandback June 18 2009, 05:51:04 UTC
So, according to this guy, the kids were paying for a show. Meg wouldn't quite call it that -- she'd call it "tricking kids out of their pocket change" -- but she didn't really care. This guy had some interesting points she wanted to learn more about. Meg took a step closer, far from intimidated by the claws and teeth. "So, what's the magician's secret?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Come on, you can tell me."


demonic_romeo June 17 2009, 05:15:51 UTC
Shopping for the Young Master was really quite tedious, especially when the Young Master expected him to be able to take all of the purchased items back to the ship by himself. He may be one hell of a butler, but even this list was a little ridiculous.

Most of it had to do with the local confectionery goods, and unfortunately for Sebastian, the stalls were scattered around the marketplace. It wasn't yet noon and his hands and arms were already laden down with numerous bags and packages. Had it been anyone else they would have been exhausted to the point of collapsing by now, but Sebastian forged ahead, three-quarters of his list already checked off.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 05:36:07 UTC
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Perfect himself," she called, when she spotted the familiar butler. Her lips curled up into a smile as she took in his condition. "What lucky girl's making you carry their shopping?" she teased. Meg knew perfectly well that he was working for a young noble on the ship, and she wasn't flirting seriously, being about as far from interested in men that you could get, but that didn't mean she couldn't tease him.


demonic_romeo June 17 2009, 07:38:35 UTC
He turned to hear a familiar voice, lips quirking up to see the redhead woman near him. He lifted a hand to his chest to bow to her, a sight to see with all of the bags on his arm, but strangely still graceful in the motion. "Good day, Ms. Megara, how do you do." It was quite a surprise to see her out and about-- the butler hadn't seen her in quite a while on the Fiertia. Which was a pity, really. He quite enjoyed her wit and personality.

"I'm afraid it is not a girl but a boy who has me shopping. The Young Master is quite eager to research some of the candies and sweets that are being sold here, and he has placed it in my hands to purchase samples of each and every piece of sugar." Sebastian gave her a wane smile. "But what about you? You look rather lonesome wandering the marketplace by yourself. Are you meeting with someone?"


hadesandback June 17 2009, 08:43:42 UTC
Now, how the hell did he balance all those things out and still bow? Probably the same way he hauled steaming ginger tea halfway across an airship. "'Research,' huh. That's what he calls it?" Meg replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "Well, kids will be kids, no matter how rich and powerful they are." She put an extra-sarcastic spin on rich and powerful.

"Don't give it all to him at once." She laughed. Meg had done a little bit of digging into Ciel Phantomhive, but hadn't uncovered any of the supernatural secrets the family held. All she knew was that the boy had more estate than years under his belt.


icaruschmicarus June 17 2009, 13:09:09 UTC
Hibari, in the meantime, was in the area, doing John Watson a favor.

Not that he was ever going to admit that, mind you. He was being completely practical about the matter. Completely practical. Watson was the only doctor that he was willing to tolerate on the Silvana, and he needed a cane to function. It was as simple as that.


Either way, the dark-haired pilot was out and about, irritated by the heat and the crowds but also bearing it as stoically as possible as he shopped.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 14:16:18 UTC
"Urgh. Get a clue, already!" Meg snapped. She was being pursued rather doggedly by a young man, who may or may not have had a shot too many in the pre-race excitement. The man didn't seem to understand the concept of no, being a pilot did not make every girl in the city want to dangle off his arm and follow him back to wherever inn he was staying at. Meg could not have been less interested.

The man grabbed her arm. "C'mon, cutie, I'll make it worth your while -- agh!"

She'd slapped him, hard, across the face. A red mark was already appearing, and it was well within the realm of possibility that the man would have a nasty bruise in a short time. "Get lost," she shouted, trying to yank her arm free. She didn't like making a spectacle of herself, but if she drew enough attention, maybe this guy would give up. "Let me go, or I swear, I'll ( ... )


icaruschmicarus June 17 2009, 14:28:26 UTC
"--And good sir, you may want to note that--"

Why was it suddenly noisier than usual?

"--fine make, top quality--"

More disgusting herbivores and their pathetic habits. It was a marketplace already, with noise levels beyond what he could usually handle. Why the hell did people have to be even more annoying than they already were?

"--comes in--"

Hibari raised his hand at the store owner for silence, and then turned right on his heel without even waiting to see if the vendor had acknowledged him at all, stepping away from the stall, across the street, and over to the huge blob of flesh in an aviator's suit. He took hold of the thing's shoulder, jerked him around and cracked him across the face with his fist.

Cue loud crash as the guy hit the ground. Cue stunned silence. Cue Kyouya Hibari not caring at all.

He had not killed the man, in as much as he had wanted to, but he doubted that he would be making noise anytime soon.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 14:34:49 UTC
Meg stared. That guy -- had just -- and -- It took her a few moments to process the past few seconds' events.

Then, it hit that she'd been rescued.

She scowled. "Nice move, hotshot," Meg's voice dripped with sarcasm. "I could have handled that. Who asked you to step in?"


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