Secret Agent Meg [open]

Jun 16, 2009 17:31

Characters: Megara and anyone from any ship who'd like to get backtalked meet her~
Content: Megara is wandering around the marketplace, doing a bit of sightseeing, but mostly looking for people to tell Aizen about to socialize with.
Setting: All around the makeshift town
Time: All day
Warnings: TSUNTSUN. Sass. But she'll be a heck of a lot ( Read more... )

leo de alkirk, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ hinamori momo, grell sutcliff, dimo, ≠ harlequin, sebastian michaelis, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ megara, ≠ lavi

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demonic_romeo June 17 2009, 05:15:51 UTC
Shopping for the Young Master was really quite tedious, especially when the Young Master expected him to be able to take all of the purchased items back to the ship by himself. He may be one hell of a butler, but even this list was a little ridiculous.

Most of it had to do with the local confectionery goods, and unfortunately for Sebastian, the stalls were scattered around the marketplace. It wasn't yet noon and his hands and arms were already laden down with numerous bags and packages. Had it been anyone else they would have been exhausted to the point of collapsing by now, but Sebastian forged ahead, three-quarters of his list already checked off.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 05:36:07 UTC
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Perfect himself," she called, when she spotted the familiar butler. Her lips curled up into a smile as she took in his condition. "What lucky girl's making you carry their shopping?" she teased. Meg knew perfectly well that he was working for a young noble on the ship, and she wasn't flirting seriously, being about as far from interested in men that you could get, but that didn't mean she couldn't tease him.


demonic_romeo June 17 2009, 07:38:35 UTC
He turned to hear a familiar voice, lips quirking up to see the redhead woman near him. He lifted a hand to his chest to bow to her, a sight to see with all of the bags on his arm, but strangely still graceful in the motion. "Good day, Ms. Megara, how do you do." It was quite a surprise to see her out and about-- the butler hadn't seen her in quite a while on the Fiertia. Which was a pity, really. He quite enjoyed her wit and personality.

"I'm afraid it is not a girl but a boy who has me shopping. The Young Master is quite eager to research some of the candies and sweets that are being sold here, and he has placed it in my hands to purchase samples of each and every piece of sugar." Sebastian gave her a wane smile. "But what about you? You look rather lonesome wandering the marketplace by yourself. Are you meeting with someone?"


hadesandback June 17 2009, 08:43:42 UTC
Now, how the hell did he balance all those things out and still bow? Probably the same way he hauled steaming ginger tea halfway across an airship. "'Research,' huh. That's what he calls it?" Meg replied, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "Well, kids will be kids, no matter how rich and powerful they are." She put an extra-sarcastic spin on rich and powerful.

"Don't give it all to him at once." She laughed. Meg had done a little bit of digging into Ciel Phantomhive, but hadn't uncovered any of the supernatural secrets the family held. All she knew was that the boy had more estate than years under his belt.


demonic_romeo June 17 2009, 19:17:57 UTC
He chuckled as he let his hand fall back to his side, understanding her skeptical look. "Perhaps you did not know beforehand, Ms. Megara, but the Young Master is the head of the Phantom Company-- one of Reial's largest confectionery and toy companies. So yes, all of this truly would be for research and not quite the 'research' you had in mind." The butler sighed woefully. "Though no doubt he will try to pull that same reasoning on me to steal some sweets. He is incorrigible."

He didn't miss the sarcastic lilt in her words. Rich and powerful. He'd have to look into any possible connections on her part that were associated with those adjectives.

Sometime when the Young Master didn't have him running around doing chores.


hadesandback June 18 2009, 01:21:08 UTC
"A kid running a candy shop. That's a recipe for disaster," she teased. "How does he do it?" If the Phantom Company hadn't gone under yet, than Ciel Phantomhive must have been doing something right when it came to running a company. The brat was all of, what, twelve?

Rich kids.


demonic_romeo June 18 2009, 22:59:48 UTC
"He takes his work very seriously," he replied, lips curling up into an ironic smile. "Knowing the temperaments and interests of children has much to do with the success of the company."

He didn't say that being a child himself had allowed Ciel Phantomhive to lead the Phantom Company to success. The boy didn't consider himself a child anymore.


hadesandback June 19 2009, 03:24:01 UTC
"Sure he does. Toys and candy? What's not to take seriously?" She grinned. Maybe she'd meet Ciel Phantomhive one day. He was on the same ship as her, so why not? It might be useful to get to know this guy. She knew something smelled fishy about Mr. Perfect and his young master but couldn't put her finger on it. More research was in order.

"Oh, am I keeping you from your shopping?" Meg asked, an amused light in her eyes.


demonic_romeo June 19 2009, 04:43:17 UTC
He laughed softly, a faint smirk replacing his smile. "You would be surprised." While the company of course brought in money for the boy noble to maintain his mansion, buy his clothes, and feed his stomach, the enterprise also allowed for the many connections that were tapped into for his cases dealing with the underground.

Sebastian didn't want that to become common knowledge, naturally. He was the Phantomhive butler, and butlers kept the family secrets.

"Being such a finicky market to be in, the Young Master has much to do in order to keep the reputation of the Phantom Company positive. It is also quite difficult when he is the head of it all, being so young," he continued.

He tilted his head at her, dipping his head to her in response. "I was about to ask you the same question, Ms. Megara. No, you are not, but I would be loathe to be keeping you from yours. A young woman such as you has many interesting people and places to see, I am sure.


hadesandback June 19 2009, 19:21:05 UTC
Sounded like little Ciel was definitely a worthwhile subject of investigation. Perhaps from a criminal angle this time? Meg was a part of a wide network of connections. Surely there was some resource she could tap into.

"Oh, I'm not here for the shopping," she waved her hand dismissively. "I'm here to see half these pilots' egos get crushed into the ground." Meg wasn't normally actively vindictive when it came to men, but she had run into a persistent, drunken one earlier, and was still quite annoyed. "Well, maybe a little shopping."

She couldn't exactly say she was here gathering information.


demonic_romeo June 20 2009, 02:50:24 UTC
"Oh?" Sebastian glanced at her, amused by her indifference for the pilots of the races. Well, she did hate men after all, and a majority of the pilots were just that. She had such an interesting fortunate for him to have learned about it from a demon acquaintance.

Trading her soul away for a boyfriend who ran away with another woman once his life was returned? Oh yes. She was quite bitter.

"Well, I will leave you to your shopping then, Ms. Megara. I would normally offer my company, but the Young Master is waiting for these purchases." He bowed to her again, rising with a placid smile. "Perhaps some other time?"


hadesandback June 20 2009, 03:12:21 UTC
"Aren't you friendly." Meg folded her arms. Sure, this guy wasn't a total waste of time to talk to, and there was a lot more she wanted to learn about him and about the young boy who held his strings so tightly, but she didn't want to develop any sort of attachments. They'd just end badly.

But hey, she was a big girl, right? She could deal with people without getting attached, and spending more time with Sebastian meant she could ask more questions. "We'll see," she replied. "Better run along. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."


demonic_romeo June 20 2009, 23:37:35 UTC
"I suppose we shall." He would not mind meeting again with Meg either-- but it was the demon she was controlled by that interested him even more. And any other middlemen he could discover along the way would prove to be just as quaint company.

He chuckled, inclining his head to her at her invitation to leave, turning away. "Of course. Take care that you do not fall in the hands of trouble yourself. Have a good day, Ms. Megara."


hadesandback June 21 2009, 00:08:15 UTC
It would be difficult to run into more trouble than she was already entangled in. "I'm not too worried," she replied with a dark laugh. "See you around~" She turned and walked away, in the opposite direction from him. She was starting to get hungry, but didn't want to go back to the ship yet. Although she didn't trust most of the food here, maybe there was something decent in the more upscale areas...


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