Secret Agent Meg [open]

Jun 16, 2009 17:31

Characters: Megara and anyone from any ship who'd like to get backtalked meet her~
Content: Megara is wandering around the marketplace, doing a bit of sightseeing, but mostly looking for people to tell Aizen about to socialize with.
Setting: All around the makeshift town
Time: All day
Warnings: TSUNTSUN. Sass. But she'll be a heck of a lot ( Read more... )

leo de alkirk, shinjiro aragaki, ≠ hinamori momo, grell sutcliff, dimo, ≠ harlequin, sebastian michaelis, ≠ kyouya hibari, ≠ megara, ≠ lavi

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peachesnotplums June 16 2009, 22:34:39 UTC
Hinamori had been temporarily relieved of patrol duty despite her protestations-apparently... of course... she had to have breaks every so often, but she actually felt kind of... well. There was the fact that Toshirou had gone missing-not that it hadn't happened before, but it still... Well.

She supposed she should go to the fair, just to see if there was anything she could see, at least. Maybe she'd find something out! It hadn't been that long ago, so he couldn't have gone far and- ...was that Hang-Meself Dibbles?

She stared for a moment or so, wondering if the nostalgia was worth considerable damage to her stomach lining.


hadesandback June 16 2009, 22:40:39 UTC
"Don't do it," came a voice from behind her. Meg stood there, arms crossed. She'd seen the girl eying Dibbles' meat pies. "Trust me. It's not worth it." She didn't understand what the appeal of the meat pies was, but they did seem to have an appeal. People kept buying them, even if they knew how horrible the pies were. It was strange.

But if she could keep this girl from succumbing to the pull of the pies, then all the better.


peachesnotplums June 16 2009, 22:51:34 UTC
"Waugh!" yelped Hinamori, turning around in surprise, then blushing slightly in embarrassment. "Oh. Um. Excuse me, I'm not very good with people coming up behind me." After a moment, she smiled.

"Don't worry, I know, but I kind of felt like I wanted one anyway. I don't really get it myself..."


hadesandback June 16 2009, 22:57:23 UTC
"Don't look at them too long. You'll get sucked in." Meg grinned, teasing.

She sobered a little after a moment, looking sideways at the vendor. "I don't know what it is, but no matter how horrible you know they are, people always seem to want one," she mused. "Best to avoid him altogether."


peachesnotplums June 16 2009, 23:27:20 UTC
"Mm," said Hinamori, nodding. She smiled, albeit a bit wistfully. "Well, for me, I guess it's the nostalgia value. Or maybe he adds some kind of secret ingredient?"

She paused for a second. "But that'd probably be illegal."


hadesandback June 16 2009, 23:44:51 UTC
"Ugh, if there's a secret ingredient, I don't think I want to know," Meg groaned, waving one hand dismissively. Everything in those meat pies probably counted as a "secret ingredient."

Wait, nostalgia? There was another conversation topic. "So, where have you seen his pies before?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. One hand rested on her hip, the other loose at her side.


peachesnotplums June 17 2009, 01:02:32 UTC
"Oh!" said Hinamori. "I grew up in Kropmork, so. I had my first... experience with them at an early age." She laughed cheerfully. Hmm... but her companion seemed to know them pretty well.

"Do you live there?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.


hadesandback June 17 2009, 02:42:05 UTC
"Lived there," Meg corrected, a frown on her face. "I wouldn't go back to that city if you paid me." This girl seemed really carefree for someone who grew up in Kropmork. Funny, running into someone from her hometown -- if you could call Kropmork-Nakh that. From the looks of things, that was about the only thing she and this girl had in common.

"So, Kropmork, you got a name?"


peachesnotplums June 17 2009, 03:17:42 UTC
"Ah, really?" said Hinamori, cocking her head slightly. "It wasn't the greatest place, but it has its good points, I think. They're a little hard to find, but... they're there."

She paused a second. "Oh, yes. I'm Momo Hinamori. What's yours?"


hadesandback June 17 2009, 04:03:34 UTC
Oh, great. An optimist. "The only good points in Kropmork are on the ends of the knives of the Assassin's Guild," Meg grumbled, but brightened a little at the introductions. "The name's Megara, but you can call me Meg."

She smiled charmingly. Meg had no idea if this young girl would be worth getting to know or not, but there was only one way to find out, right? "So, you here for the races?" she asked casually.


peachesnotplums June 17 2009, 18:55:03 UTC
Ah, well. Hinamori could understand why someone wouldn't exactly enjoy Kropmork. There were a lot of opportunities to have a bad experience. She just shrugged and smiled at the introduction.

"Nice to meet you too! And well, yes, I am. I'm actually one of the people on security duty, but... well, I'm obviously on break."


hadesandback June 18 2009, 01:26:55 UTC
That was interesting. If this girl was from the Silvana, then it was very probable that Sousuke already knew her, and knew everything he could possibly need or want to know about her. Her time would be better spent elsewhere.

....but now that she thought about it, who would put a slight young girl on security detail? This Momo couldn't have been more than eighteen. Something was going on here. "You? A security guard?" Meg raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't be from the Silvana, would you?"


peachesnotplums June 18 2009, 03:02:37 UTC
"Ah... yes I am," said Hinamori, fidgeting slightly. She sort of expected the look, all things considered. Still, she supposed there was an advantage to the fact that she didn't look particularly threatening. "Don't worry, I'm a lot stronger than I look."


hadesandback June 18 2009, 12:08:13 UTC
"Sure you are." It might have sounded dismissive, but Meg actually wasn't sure. "So, Kropmork, how'd you land a job on the Kill-Em-All Silvana?" she asked, casual as a pair of worn-out jeans. Anyone would be curious about a young-looking girl working on such a formidable ship.


peachesnotplums June 18 2009, 17:55:40 UTC
"No, I really am!" said Hinamori insistently. "And... well, the Silvana needed gunners, and I had a few friends there, so I joined up. Probably not the best reason, but... oh well. I ended up running into some people I knew from a long time ago, so that was pretty nice too."


hadesandback June 18 2009, 21:05:58 UTC
Hrm? Something about her seemed....forced. Meg wasn't sure how much digging she could do without arousing suspicion. "There are worse reasons." Like your boss telling you to do it.

She shrugged. "How's the work atmosphere? You like the people there?" The question was innocently curious.


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