Characters: Megara and anyone from any ship who'd like to get backtalked meet her~
Content: Megara is wandering around the marketplace, doing a bit of sightseeing, but mostly looking for people to tell Aizen about to socialize with.
Setting: All around the makeshift town
Time: All day
Warnings: TSUNTSUN. Sass. But she'll be a heck of a lot
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Six coins were dropped mutely into Dimo's hand, and the fellow wandered away, stealing confused glances over his shoulder. He didn't need to know that Dimo could tell the difference between steel forged in Ivona and steel forged in Vohemar by scent.
"Magic, dollink? Dere's no magic to it--iz just zometing dot I can do vell." Dimo glanced quickly to the left and then to the right, just to make certain that no one was listening and picking up on the secret. "Schteel made in Ivona haz a different scent den de schtuff vhat's made in Vohemar. Different blacksmithing technique." He tapped the side of his disfigured nose with a clawed finger. "Vhen hyu gots as goot a nose as I gots, hyu picks up on dese zorts of tings."
Something told her that a sharp nose wasn't all this guy had. "Name's Megara," she offered. Maybe if she offered information about herself, she'd diffuse a bit of the tension. "And relax. I'm not about to pick your pocket."
He companionably offered his right hand for a handshake. "De name's Dimo, Megara, und iz not zo much dot I goes around schniffing metal. Iz more like I can't help but pick up on scents. I can track pipples halfvay across de Badlands."
"Well, you've got sharp claws, sharp teeth -- 'course you've got a sharp nose to go with it," she shot back. "So, what else can you do? See in infrared? Jump buildings?"
Dimo decided to play along for moment, to see where this was going. "Even I iz not zo amazing az dot, sveethot. But I can zee in de dark pretty vell, Und I iz pretty near indestructible. Been around for about three centuries or zo," he smiled smugly as he rolled up his left sleeve to show off the ragged stiches that the Mistress had used to sew his new arm on, "und lozing an arm iz de vorst ting dot's heppened in all dot time. Even den, I got a replazement, zo it all vorks out hokay in de end."
"Zo, iz hyu looking for a bodyguard? I haz done mercenary vork before."
It sounded like flirting, and yet not like flirting. This was just how Meg dealt with people when she wanted to be charming and friendly.
"So, are you one-of-a-kind, or are there other great green sharp-nosed people I should look out for?"
"Vell, dere iz dot, but being a pirate pays pretty damned goot too, dollink." He looked Meg up and down again. "Hyu looking to join up vith a new ship? Ve's had zome pipples leave not too long back, und could uze a few more crew members." Whether Megara was actually searching for a new ship to work on or not, Dimo certainly wouldn't mind having someone with her particular charms on board the ship.
After all, this Jager didn't need to know that she had absolutely no say in where she worked.
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