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Comments 4408

I have not been F5ing this page furiously what are you talking about (1/3) kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:55:33 UTC
Name: Kiyuu
Livejournal Username: kiyuu
E-mail: kiyuuchan@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: AIM: Chibi no Kazeren
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: n/a

Name: Fate Testarossa
Series: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Timeline: After A’s
Canon Resource Links: Sup

Affiliation: Trainer


2/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:56:23 UTC
Personality: Fate is very shy, and it’s definitely reflected in her voice; she’s very soft-spoken, and doesn’t even raise her voice when she’s fighting. She’s not used to being in big crowds of people, so she might get easily flustered in any such situation, especially if she’s the center of attention. She’s getting better though, so she’s not as extremely timid as she was when Nanoha and crew first befriended her.

The most noticeable thing about Fate is her strong heart. She is extremely dedicated to those she cares about, as seen in the first season: despite being whipped numerous times, and even told she was worthless and hated, she still offered to defend her mother from anything or anyone who would try to hurt her. This desire to protect is later shifted to her friends, especially Nanoha Takamachi. Fate will do absolutely anything for them, and will fret and worry if there was something wrong with them ( ... )


3/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:56:51 UTC
Starter: Eevee/Umbreon.

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: [The device clattered to the ground and clicked on, but Fate didn’t notice. Her attention was on the Pokemon in front of her. Its sleek black fur shined in the moonlight, and the rings around its legs, ears, and tail seemed to glow with a completely different light.]

E… Eevee? What happened to you?

[That’s right… this was “evolution”, right? Fate reached out slowly, stroking this new creature on the head. It let out a low purring noise, and Fate smiled. Then she suddenly remembered: they were supposed to use the Pokedexes to record data like this, right? She turned and reached towards her bag…]

Oh! How did this turn on…? [And the feed clicks off!]

Third Person Sample: Fate sighed and rolled onto her back; above her was a canopy of leaves, and above that, the vast, starry night sky. It had been a week since her and Nanoha had been brought to this strange land… just a week. It had felt like so much ( ... )


PENDING! these_balls May 27 2010, 05:31:25 UTC
Before we make a final decision on your application, we would like a new strength/weakness section to cover more than just the few things mentioned. It feels like there could be more explained about her. We would also like a new first person sample as we aren't getting a clear or strong reflection of Fate's voice.

You will have one week to complete these requests at maximum before the character is up for grabs again.


Yuugi Mutou App Part 1/3 on_a_corndog May 22 2010, 15:56:21 UTC
Name: Marcus
Livejournal Username: on-a-corndog
E-mail: whiteash_001@hotmail.com
AIM/MSN: yugimoon
Timezone: GMT +9:00 due to South Korea
Current Characters in Route: n/a

Name: Yuugi Mutou
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Time-line: A little after solving the puzzle (manga-verse)
Canon Resource Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugi_Mutou, http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Yugi_Muto
Affiliation: Yuugi will more than likely want to be a Pokémon Breeder... but that's not necessarily what his (as is currently decided by the time-line in his comic) alter-ego may want. If his alter-ego is not allowed in the game, there is no need to worry about it, but Yami no Yuugi may indeed want to battle others. It's a touch funnier that way, but in the end Yuugi is more of a Breeder due to how he treats even simple things like his Digital Pet, U2, raising it with so much tender-loving care that he even decides to stay up with ( ... )


Yuugi Mutou App Part 2/3 (sorry for all of the edits earlier) on_a_corndog May 22 2010, 15:59:12 UTC
Strengths/Weaknesses: Yuugi's weaknesses lie in the roots of his very strength: his want to help others. Yuugi is utterly trusting of those who talk to him in a kindly manner and very gullible of those who offer friendship. This naivety gets him into trouble with bad people constantly. Sadly enough, he doesn't really seem to learn too much from this as of yet considering where I'm taking him from. His worst fears would more than likely be losing friends he's tried so hard to make, so he would fiercely guard his Pokémon upon realizing firstly that they were real and they were his to raise. Pokémon, to Yuugi, would be the ultimate thing ever. Imagine it. A friend that has the intelligence on par with a human (depending on the Pokémon) and, if you befriend it and earn its trust, will fight for you just as much as you fight for it. Yuugi would be overjoyed by this, but would also be vulnerable as he would be willing to give up anything to keep them safe.

Starter: An extremely aloof Bulbasaur with a penchant for napping at awkward ( ... )


Yuugi Mutou App Part 3/4** (augh again with the word limit fail) on_a_corndog May 22 2010, 16:00:42 UTC

First Person Sample: Yuugi's Log, Star-date---aw, who am I kidding. Log Entry one. I can't believe it. I woke up today in a house I didn't even know and met someone who seemed to be my mother... even so, I know she wasn't my mom. First of all, she didn't hit me with a ladle for waking up late. Jokes aside, I'm a little worried that I've hit my head and fallen into a coma, because I'm either having the best dream ever, or I've been transported into a world where... Pokémon are real. I'm serious! It's---that's not even the best part. The best part is sitting at my feet right now chewing on my pants because it's hungry. I have a Bulbasaur. His name is Jou, after one of my good friends. I hope we can become good friends too... at least for as long as this world lasts. I'll admit, I'm worried about school and about, well, my home world... but then again, I can't let it depress me. I have my friends in my heart. I have an adventure ahead of me. This... this could be the best or the worst thing that's ever happened to me!


Yuugi Mutou App Part 4/4 on_a_corndog May 22 2010, 16:01:40 UTC
Third Person Sample: He awoke in the usual manner, leaning over in his bed to turn off his alarm seconds before it even sounded so he could sleep an extra ten minutes. There was one difference this time, however, in that his clock was not digital or in the right place. He fell out of his bed. The table was in the corner of the room and not anywhere near him. Odd. And of course, the alarm then sounded, jolting him severely as it was not the placid dee dee dee dee of his digital, but the jarring bells of an old wind-up. He scrambled for the clock. It looked as if he'd already set it ahead ten minutes once... but he had no memory of doing that, or of this strange room being his.

He didn't have long to ponder, as he heard someone calling him from downstairs. It... didn't sound like his mother. Was he dreaming? Maybe it was Anzu! Maybe she'd come over to walk with him to school! . . . no, that would definitely have been a dream. Sighing, he began to root through his drawers for his school uniform... only to find it was missing. In fact, ( ... )


Also, my friend said you guys OK'd me posting his app for him? (1/3) kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:58:11 UTC
Name: Funk
Livejournal Username: cftfic
E-mail: cantfakethefunk@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: Funkadelict7of11 (AIM)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Nanoha Takamachi
Series: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Timeline: After the finale of Nanoha A's (second season).
Canon Resource Links: The Nanoha series.

Nanoha herself.

Affiliation: Nanoha will be a combat trainer!


2/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:59:08 UTC
Personality: Nanoha is cheerful, friendly, and energetic, a loving and polite daughter and sister, and a good friend. Upon obtaining her powers - or rather, the means to express what power she already possessed - Nanoha jumped at the call. Even when she was 9 in the first two season, there was very little "Oh I just want to be normal." Nanoha likes helping and saving people, she thoroughly enjoys her powers and doing her job ( ... )


3/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:59:47 UTC
Starter: Eevee/Espeon.

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: *You know, you never really think about it, but asking ten-year-old children to venture out into the world by themselves is actually pretty messed up. Of course, it helps that Nanoha isn't your average ten-year-old, and it helps that she has a new companion - her Espeon, which is curled up beside her as she lies by a campfire, looking at the starry skies above* Ne, Espeon...

...I wonder what Hayate's doing right now. Do you think she knows that Fate-chan and I are gone? "Peon!" A-ah, right, sorry. That was a silly question; you haven't even met her!

But if you did... I think you'd like her. She's really nice. So, doesn't that mean that... when I get to go home, you'll just have to come with me! You'll be able to do that, right? *A pause, and Nanoha curls up on her side, facing the Pokemon as her eyes slowly flutter shut* ... you will, right?

*Her voice trails off slowly as she mumbles* I'd ... like ( ... )


ACCEPTED! these_balls May 27 2010, 05:34:18 UTC

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!
Congratulations, you have a fun and exciting adventure awaiting you.

Now that you've been accepted...
[○] Please respond to this with your character's journal.
[○] Comment in the Taken Character's post.
[○] Comment to the Friend Add/Remove, and update your friends list.
[○] Join the following communities: route-29, route_006, route_1065.
[○] If you reserved, please let us know that they've been accepted.

Thank you! See you in Johto!


(1/3) mindlessyouths May 22 2010, 18:23:52 UTC
Name: strawberry
Livejournal Username: mindlessyouths
E-mail: haworthzzz@gmail.com (I really don’t check it often OTL)
AIM/MSN: hero-chan@live.com
Timezone: Central
Current Characters in Route: n/a

Name: Alfred F. Jones
Series: Hetalia
Timeline: Modern day
Canon Resource Links: http://hetalia.wikia.com/wiki/Alfred_F._Jones
Besides that, I use the episodes and manga references to help my Alfred out.
I've cosplayed him before, so I have a pretty good handle on his character... I hope
Affiliation: Rocker, oh yeah baby!


(2/3) mindlessyouths May 22 2010, 18:32:25 UTC
Personality: Alfred F. Jones, to start off, is the meaning of awesome. The series Hetalia revolves around personifying the great fighting powers of World War II (and before/after) as humans and adding just a hint of hilarity to the whole situation. Since Alfred is America, he’s all heroics and justice. Alfred is obsessed with being The Hero, the winner, the owner of the hand the referee holds up at the end of the match. He sets his standards for himself very high, and his pride fuels him to try and look heroic as possible in any given situation. However, for some strange reason, it isn’t that his ego is over inflated (though his is conceited). Alfred’s set of morals tell him that he simply needs to save whoever needs to be saved. He’ll butt into other people’s drama and play Judge Judy, and maybe even take a side himself and yell with Person A at Person B to take a chill pill. He sticks his nose into people’s business so often that it’s surprising it isn’t rubbed clean, like those Lincoln statues in Springfield ( ... )


(3/... more than 3 OTL) mindlessyouths May 22 2010, 18:33:01 UTC
Strengths/Weaknesses: Alfred’s good at sharing his moods. He’s a clown when he’s happy and a little kid when he’s sad. He shares all of his strengths and tries to keep all of his weaknesses in check ( ... )


(4/I'm bad at guessing) mindlessyouths May 22 2010, 18:33:55 UTC
Starter: A pikachu with a penchant for being just as hyper as him and running off (not out of hatred for Alfred, but because it’s a space case) named Tony. I know, I know: Typical pikachu. Then again, that’s why I love the image of Alfred with a pikachu - it’s that image we all know and love of a boy and his pikachu. In his own series, Alfred’s pegged as the typical hero guy, the ultimate feel good protagonist. He’s a little slow and bad with the ladies, speaks before he thinks, gets up to shenanigans and pisses people off, but you end up cheering for him (well, that is, if you find his outrageousness affable). Pikachu would be perfect for him simply because he’s the hero of his own life, and what young Pokemon hero is complete without that adorable electric mouse? They’d be a high energy couple, though Alfred wouldn’t quite be up for the electric shocks like Ash was. Alfred would take care of his pikachu and never let it around water (“TONY, TONY, SERIOUSLY, YOU’RE LIKE A TOASTER, GET BACK HERE”) and try his best to keep it ( ... )


shaungarin May 22 2010, 20:14:05 UTC
Name: Shaun
Livejournal Username: shaungarin
E-mail: skbgarin@hotmail.com
AIM/MSN: Shaun Garin/Sparkleraeg
Timezone: Mountain Time
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Perry the Platypus
Series: Phineas and Ferb
Timeline: Sometime in Season 2
Canon Resource Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_and_ferb

Affiliation: Trainer with a side of possible Pokemon G-Man much later.


shaungarin May 22 2010, 20:14:25 UTC
Personality: Perry is your typical silent protagonist who masquarades as a dumb animal. Being that he's been involved in Phineas and Ferb's adventures numerous times, he's had experience in being human, ie, mind-swapped with Candice Flynn, the elder sister. A strong willed ingenious secret agent, Perry has the capacity to think on his two feet and manage to get through his day while living a double life. For the purposes of route_29, Perry has been transformed into a unassuming teenager, possibly one who looks fairly bland in nature, but has the tendency to get into adventure at the drop of a hat. Quite literally since he wears a fedora ( ... )


shaungarin May 22 2010, 20:14:57 UTC
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: [There was a young man sitting there in the Pokemon center, his eyes sort of vacant. The Charmander next to him watched him curiously, as it let out a small "char char" of worry. Soon however, the life came back into Perry's eyes as he looked down at Charmander and let out a soft sound.]


[The soft beak-chitter noise that the trainer let out soothed the Pokemon's nerves. When he had first met the trainer, it was acting like a dumb animal when people came by, hiding in the bushes. And then it would do a one-eighty in personality and put on this hat of theirs before moving on. After a while, Charmander had gotten to know him better. Perry looked down at him and smiled.]


[And Perry reached out and patted the small fire-salamander's head. Charmander sighed. He really needed to get Perry some human speech lessons.]

Third Person Sample: Sleeping at night, Perry often found a place to rest, curled up in what would look to ( ... )


ACCEPTED! these_balls May 27 2010, 05:41:43 UTC

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!
Congratulations, you have a fun and exciting adventure awaiting you.

Now that you've been accepted...
[○] Please respond to this with your character's journal.
[○] Comment in the Taken Character's post.
[○] Comment to the Friend Add/Remove, and update your friends list.
[○] Join the following communities: route-29, route_006, route_1065.
[○] If you reserved, please let us know that they've been accepted.

Thank you! See you in Johto!


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