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2/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:59:08 UTC
Personality: Nanoha is cheerful, friendly, and energetic, a loving and polite daughter and sister, and a good friend. Upon obtaining her powers - or rather, the means to express what power she already possessed - Nanoha jumped at the call. Even when she was 9 in the first two season, there was very little "Oh I just want to be normal." Nanoha likes helping and saving people, she thoroughly enjoys her powers and doing her job.

Nanoha is a firm believer in the inherent goodness of people, and will frequently try to find out why her opponent is doing what they're doing - at times even making them agree to tell her if she wins the fight. She'll often try to resolve a conflict with words, trying to understand people... but when it comes down to it, Nanoha is not afraid to use her powers as necessary (as destructive as she has the potential to be, her magic is generally non-lethal) and is actually somewhat of a... pragmatist in battle. She'll attack opponents from behind, she'll use a Bind spell that renders them unable to defend against her spells, etc. But she mainly does that because she knows she won't kill them.

She's very determined to utilize her strengths and abilities to her full potential, waking up at 4AM every day to practice. Her determination is actually at the core of who she is: She is determined to get stronger, and she is determined to help people, even if she doesn't know them - or even if they're actively trying to fight her and resist her help (see also, her best friend Fate).

Strengths/Weaknesses: Nanoha's strongest gifts are her willpower and her compassion. Her willpower is what gives her the ability to train like she did every day, repeating the same tasks over and over to grow from a very unskilled novice mage to one of the TSAB's top aces. It was her determination that let her befriend Fate despite the other girl's initial hostility - her unwavering attempts to try and understand why fate was doing all of this in the first place. As long as her body is capable, Nanoha will keep fighting.

Her compassion, too, is remarkable, as is her ability to see the best in people, even when they outwardly don't appear to deserve it. Beyond that, however, Nanoha is a good cook thanks to her family owning a cafe, she is actually very talented in math and (by the time of A's) is learning how to be a skilled combat tactician. Essentially, this means that she will figure out how to break down your defenses, and then will not relent until she's made you her friend.

Of course, her will and her compassion come with downsides. In canon, Nanoha's repeated training left a strain on her body that was so great that what would have otherwise been a minor injury during a patrol almost killed her - and almost left her permanently cripped as well. She learned her lesson afterwards, but at the time she's entering the Pokemon world, hasn't yet - Nanoha still pushes herself far more than is healthy.

While she chooses to see her compassion as a strength, her insistence on seeing the best in people (combined with her age) makes her slightly naive. Someone who's even decently skilled in deception will be able to pull the wool over her eyes, with her none the wiser.


3/3 kiyuu May 22 2010, 15:59:47 UTC
Starter: Eevee/Espeon.

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: *You know, you never really think about it, but asking ten-year-old children to venture out into the world by themselves is actually pretty messed up. Of course, it helps that Nanoha isn't your average ten-year-old, and it helps that she has a new companion - her Espeon, which is curled up beside her as she lies by a campfire, looking at the starry skies above* Ne, Espeon...

...I wonder what Hayate's doing right now. Do you think she knows that Fate-chan and I are gone? "Peon!" A-ah, right, sorry. That was a silly question; you haven't even met her!

But if you did... I think you'd like her. She's really nice. So, doesn't that mean that... when I get to go home, you'll just have to come with me! You'll be able to do that, right? *A pause, and Nanoha curls up on her side, facing the Pokemon as her eyes slowly flutter shut* ... you will, right?

*Her voice trails off slowly as she mumbles* I'd ... like that...

Third Person Sample: The young girl wiped beads of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand before lowering it, rolling the small rock she was holding between her fingers and gauging its weight. Nanoha took a deep breath before stepping forward and throwing the rock into the sky as hard as she could (which admittedly wasn't all that hard). "Espeon, use Psybeam... now!"

"'speon!" The Pokemon cried, angling the red gem on its forehead towards the falling target - and unleashing a blast of concentrated energy that swirled with a dozen colors. The beam was dead on the mark, hitting the rock and knocking it far into the distance.

"Oh! That's fifteen in a row!" Nanoha beamed at her partner. "That's the best you've ever done - you're doing really great, Espeon! Good job!"

She jogged over to the Pokemon, who met her outstretched hand with an affectionate nuzzle. The smile on Nanoha's face grew even sunnier, but faded in a moment as she noticed how the creature was panting in exertion. Come to think of it, they'd been at this for a while, hadn't they? Her arm was sore from throwing all of the targets, and Espeon had been working just as hard on hitting as many of them as it could.

“Oh, you're really exhausted!” Nanoha said, her face falling in dismay. “You should have said something sooner!” Figuratively speaking, of course - her hand came up to stroke the Pokemon's head and scratch its gracefully pointed ears. “Let's take a break, okay? We had a really good session today. You should be proud of yourself!”

Retrieving her backpack, Nanoha sat down beside the Pokemon - brushing some dirt and rocks from the grass first - and opened it up to get at the snacks within. She'd packed them in anticipation of a long day of training, after all, so what better time to enjoy them then when the duo was tuckered out and (she had to admit) increasingly hungry?

The girl removed an onigiri that she'd made this morning, and split it in two - she began nibbling on one half, and held out the other to her newfound partner, who eagerly took the rice ball from her open palm. The Espeon all but devoured its portion, wolfing the snack down with such eagerness that Nanoha couldn't help but giggle. “I guess we should've rested a bit earlier, huh...? Sorry about that.”

But even so, she smiled. This wasn't so bad, right? It was just like being home in a way. She could even get used to it ... maybe.


ACCEPTED! these_balls May 27 2010, 05:34:18 UTC

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Re: ACCEPTED! usedhyperbeam May 27 2010, 06:03:13 UTC
Nanoha used HYPER BEAM!


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