1. estrellada's lawyer for the accident thinks I should get a lawyer. So I guess it's official: the WHOLE WORLD thinks I should get a lawyer. And because I am nothing if not a sheep, I will. OKAY? Stop bugging me about it
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(Because, see, we have lots of coloured coinage. The breast cancer quarter has a pink ribbon on it. You can order all kinds of hilarious special edition coins from the RCM--the baby quarter has a rattle on it, there's one with fireworks, one with balloons, one
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Oh JensenI love you, love you, love you. Aaron Sorkin's bank account loves you too (Joshua Malina might put out a hit on you though, fyi). Please don't become best friends with Ritchie Valens, okay. Jared would die
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Also! I was watching Entertainment Tonight yesterday (I don't know, I was waiting for Jeopardy to come on), and they had some crap from the Wild Hogs premiere. They asked Jill Hennessy about something to do with motorcycles and she started talking about cutting the butt out of her pants to make chaps 'cause she's really got into it (hell yes
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Seeing something I betaed recced gives me as much (if not more) of a warm-fuzzy as seeing something I wrote does. Compersion?
If I save at least fifty dollars every paycheque for the next several months, I'll be able to go to Disneyland with the bf and the kids this summer. Theoretically, the same plan should serve for winchestercon as well (I'm thinking
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Overheard in New York: "I Have Never Known Where the Line Is." It is funny, but mostly appalling, and then funny again. I'm not even going to read the comments on the Elljay feed. I respect myself too much for that.
(Also, I might be wanked out. For a while, anyway.)