Date: March 22, 2011
Characters: Kudzu Emory, Luke Rafferty
Location: Used Bookstore
Status: Private
Summary: A chance meeting among the paperbacks.
Completion: Incomplete
Kudzu had a free evening. Not to be confused with a night when he had finished working, but only had the energy to collapse into his bed at the end. Between his new regular work and all his odd jobs, every free hour was precious. Of course, all the work meant that he was finally a little flush, even after the money he sent off to Peony. He was eating better than he had in months and tonight had even got to cook. Deciding that he didn't want to stay in with the promise of free time looming, so instead he headed out to find one of the little hole in the wall bookstores he'd found around the Metroplex. He had a mental map of them and he headed toward the one he hadn't hit in the longest amount of time.
It was a nice little store and it had a great used paperback section. He loved paperbacks. They jammed down easily into one pocket and he could break the spine in his favorite parts so the book just fell open to where he wanted it. Most of his were littered with notes written in soft pencil and riddled with dog ears and worried away bits.
He picked through the selection, ticking off some already read and some disliked authors before plucking out an old Jim McDonald mystery that looked promising.