(no subject)

Dec 19, 2008 08:14

Well, as I suspected I skipped out on the movie last night. I was tired and suspected that I might be trying to come down with something. However, beldar told me this morning that the film was very good. The audience applauded and everyone really enjoyed it (especially the running gag of the man struck by lightning seven times). I imagine I will get around to seeing it for myself either at the dollar theater or when it comes on pay TV.

Still, it was good that I stayed home. It was very therapeutic and I feel so much better today. I think I worked a lot of things out and am healing in a lot of ways.

Since the weather is still rather yucky and I haven't heard back from astria, I'm thinking we're going to skip out on the Fringe show tonight. Since beldar has to work tonight it means another Friday alone but I think that I really need this for a lot of reasons. Besides, I have cleaning to do and gifts to gather and laundry to sort. It's not like I will be bored or feeling sorry for myself.

Tomorrow is looking to be shaping up pretty well. veronica_rich will be coming over late in the afternoon as well as a few other friends and we will be watching movies, hanging out and in general having a good time. Cookies may or may not be made but a good time will be had and that's really what I wanted.

I have a few other things I'd like to post but they will have to wait for now. I hope everyone is doing well and will have a great weekend.


happiness, weather, friends, movies, love, theater

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