(no subject)

Dec 19, 2008 09:20

I'm sure you've probably all heard by now that Majel Barrett has died.

This is especially sorrowful to me because I had met her and have a few fond memories of her.

My best Majel story if from the year that she was a special guest at GenCon. beldar & I were walking through the dealers room when we ran into a friend and spent some time catching up with him. After a while the two guys were deep in a discussion that I was totally not a part of so I excused myself to walk a bit further down the aisle. I was looking at the different booths and was passing one that was covered with photos for sale. Since this was a large display there were several people behind the tables. I noticed one lady was sitting down and looked up and greeted her. As I was about to move on, my eyes trailed over the stacks of photos in from of me. I stopped for a second and then looked from the sitting woman to the photos a few times and noticed they were the same person. I fished out my autograph shirt from my bag and said, "Majel, would you please sign my autograph shirt?" she gratefully obliged and we shared a very nice little conversation.

After we were done conversing, I ran back to the guys and said, "Look, Majel Barrett signed my shirt!". They said, "Where is she?" I pointed to the table and said, "Right over there!"

At this point everyone in the vicinity swarmed towards the table for autographs and more. This also prompted the security people to notice that she had showed up a day early and not checked in with them and was just sitting in the middle of the dealer's room with no security. The thing is, this was the sort of person she was. She loved hanging out with the fans and didn't feel she needed any special security from them.

She was a wonderful lady and a devoted wife and widow to Gene. I'm glad that they're together again and I'm sure he was waiting for her with a chilled bottle of champagne.

As a tribute to her and to all of our loved ones that will not be with us this holiday season, I give you A Soldier's Silent Night. I heard this the other day and it was beautiful. One word of warning, this will make you cry but it will also warm your heart.

geekery, sadness, my past, death, gencon, love

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