(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 12:03

Well, last night we went to BD's Mongolian Grill to use my Birthday dinner certificate and it was weird. We went to a different location than we had been before and for most of the meal, we were the only ones in the place. It was really strange. Still, the food was great and we had a nice time.

After that we went to go see "Valkyrie". It was a lot better than I had expected. Tom Cruise didn't overpower the story and there were so many wonderfully luscious actors about (Eddie Izzard, Kenneth Branagh, etc) that I was very happy. If you like a good war or suspense movie, it's a must see. It does have a few violent scenes (it is the war, after all) so be prepared if you're squeamish. However, they are over rather quickly and are not too bad.

The biggest problem was that they stopped the film before it was fully over so we didn't get to read all of the information cards afterwards and missed the credits. Still, it wasn't too bad.

Tonight is Benjamin Button and I think I'm going to skip out on it. I just don't know if I can take a 3 hour movie that everyone says is at least and hour & a half too long. However, if I do feel like seeing it, I will post my thoughts about it here tomorrow.

Some of our Christmas presents from the family arrived yesterday. Yeah! we get to unwrap things on the 25th. We should have all of the family's stuff ready to ship out on Saturday. We still need a couple more things for the kids and then it's off.

Due to the response to yesterday's poll, Saturday will go like this: at some point in the afternoon veronica_rich will be over with her copy of "Mama Mia" and we will watch it (singing along and much dancing will ensue). beldar & I will likely run a few errands that morning and then be home most of the day. If you want to come over and hang out (and possibly bake cookies), please do but call first to make sure we're back. I will gladly serve dinner to anyone who's there and hope to see as many of you as can make it.

Well, that's it for today. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


birthday, movie review, holiday, friends, food, party, movies

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