I Feel Like I'm Made Out of Gingerbread ...

Dec 17, 2008 08:29

Well, the past week has been really eventful and telling in many ways. I found out a lot of things including exactly who my real friends are (the ones who really care and that I can depend on).

You know I realized yesterday that I have cried more in the past two months than I have cried in the preceding 4 years (probably more).

Now on to other matters, it's looking like my cookie party is crumbling apart due to lack of interest. In light of that, I give you a poll:

Poll How the Cookie Crumbles

I just want to know what to expect. Remember, I'm providing all of the basic ingredients (sugar, flour, eggs, milk, butter, etc). If your recipe requires some unusual or exotic ingredient or pan, either contact me to see if I have it or bring it along. I will make some basic gingerbread and sugar cookie dough as well as some of my other favorites. But I'm not going to go all out if it's just going to be me. I have other things I could do.

Also, it's looking like it's going to be just me and beldar for Christmas. So if anyone out there wants to come over and celebrate with us, please let me know. I'm planning on making duck and we still have a bunch of great games that have yet to be played and we'd love to share our Holiday with others.

So, that's it for now. I'll post again later if possible.


sadness, holiday, friends, food, question, poll

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