(no subject)

Dec 16, 2008 10:15

Ok, enough emo posts for now. I will try to make sure I have happier posts at least for today.

Why? Because the bitch is not at work today so I have a happy day at work finally (happy dance).

This week looks to be very busy. Tomorrow night we are going to see a preview of "Valkyrie". I'm not that excited about it but I figure it's free so what the hell.

Thursday night we're seeing a screening of "The Strange Case of Benjamin Button". While the story sounds good, the almost 3 hour running time does not thrill me at all.

Friday night I'm going to Fringe Friday with astria and possibly beldar. There's a nice little reception and a couple of shows and it should be a lot of fun.

So, that's my week for now. I will let you know if any changes occur.

happiness, work, movies, theater

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