Back to uni!

Feb 28, 2011 23:40

Uni's started again for me! And guess what. I missed my first lecture of the year.


I didn't mean to!! It was actually a problem with the timetabling system- it wrongly gave us the choice between two lectures, when really, we're supposed to attend both. So not only have I got an 8am class on Friday, I also have an 8am class on Monday. BOO.

Apart from that though I've had a good day- went into uni to enrol into my last subject- Contemporary Performance- which was surprisingly easy to do, and bought some of my textbooks. Well, two of them. I'm getting there. xD

There were so many people at uni though!! I'm not used to seeing it at full capacity; it was overwhelming. On the plus side though, I saw many Oshow kids around, which made me happy ♥

Ok, to the meme! Last day!

1. Your middle name, and how you feel about it.
2. Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.
3. Your favourite television program.
4. Write about your closest friend(s)
5. Tell us your three favourite colours.
6. Your favourite season, and why.
7. How you came across livejournal.
8. Are you a fitness guru or couch potato? Talk about your exercise habits.
9. Favourite meme at the moment.
10. Talk about your pets, or the pets you would like to have.
11. Your top 3 favourite bands/artists.
12. Your thoughts or opinions about Harry Potter.
13. Your thoughts or opinions about Mean Girls.
14. Do you have siblings? Talk about them, or talk about what it's like to be an only child.
15. Tell us your favourite junk food.
16. Your favourite Disney Princess movie.
17. Your thoughts on Ugg boots.
18. Do you drink sodea more often than milk?
19. The initials of your crush(es).
20. Do you wear glasses? If so, what are they for?
21. Your favourite subject to study.
22. Do you play a sport? Tell us about it. If not, talk about a different hobby you may have.

23. Your opinions on Lady Gaga.
24. Tell us about the last movie you saw in theatres.
25. Tell us about the last book you read (for leisure or for school)
26. Name one place you would love to visit one day.
27. List your three favourite girls names, three favourite boys names, and your three favourite names for a pet.
28. Your first celebrity crush.
29. Your opinions on the television show Glee.

30. Take a picture of yourself right now and post it, or post the most recent picture you can find.

Ok, this is the perfect question right now. snuggle_monster (who is kind of the best person ever) may have bought me a onesie for my birthday, which I am wearing right now. And it's AMAZING.

LJ's done weird things to the photo, but you get the idea

That's right. It's like a full-body jumpsuit, and feels like you're enveloped in a doona. A doona covered in shocked-looking penguins, at that. It both amuses me AND makes me snuggly! A winning combination, am I right?


Hooraaaay! Finished another meme! I'm finally getting good at this. :D Right, bedtime for me.
PS: on another note, I am sooo frickin' excited for the Born This Way video!! It should be there for me when I wake up. ^0^! Gaga's videos never fail to disappoint! Weeeeeeeee
Night guys xo

photos, university, quizzes

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