Master Fic List

Jul 13, 2015 01:15

In Progress

The Ballad of Tam Lin

Summary: "Lost yes," the man continued.  "Never so lost as this, I'm sorry to say.  You've come to Brigadoon, Doctor.  And no one comes here that doesn't stay for all time."  Fairies, demons and eternal youth combine the send the Doctor and Rose on another incredible adventure.
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult

Part One   Part Two  Part Three (in process)

Summary: When Ten returns to Pete's World, he finds Rose has been forced to join a violent revoltion against her father's evil empire.  Set after "Doomsday," non-canon after that.
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult

Prologue  Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three   Chapter Four   Chapter Five   Chapter Six

 (on hiatus)
Summary: The Doctor wakes up with a blank book of fairy stories, and must complete them if he ever hopes to see Rose Tyler again.
Pairing:  Eleven/Rose
Rating: Adult

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9
Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13

Finished Works

Summary:  Based on the wonderfully romantic film of the same name (2000).  The Doctor wakes up to the complete domestic experience with Rose Tyler and their two half-Time Lord children.  As he struggles to understand his new life, he begins to realize what he's been missing all along.
Pairing: Rose/Ten
Warning: Sex

Chapter One   Chapter Two   Chapter Three  Chapter Four   Chapter Five   Chapter Six   Chapter Seven   Chapter Eight   Chapter Nine   Chapter Ten   Chapter Eleven

Summary: The Doctor's clone is abandoned in Pete's World after Rose returns to the TARDIS with her original Doctor.  Ten II is heartbroken, but eventually finds hope thanks to the support of the Tylers, his new university post and an unexpected friend named River Song.  What can they teach each other about love and loss?
Pairing: Ten II and River Song
Warning: Sex

Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four

Summary:  Rose is living on Pete’s World when she is summoned by the Doctor’s voice.  Following the sound, she arrives at Bad Wolf Bay and is transported to the Mirrorverse, where the Doctor is known as the Overlord and his version of her is dead.  Something’s moving in the darkness, and the Nightmare Child will rise.  Can Rose save the Doctor from what’s to come?  An epic fantasy AU.
Pairing: Rose & Alt 10
Warning: Sex

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9
Chapter 10   Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16

Summary: When the Doctor interferes on an alien world, he awakens the Seven of Saligia.  The angry goddesses punish the Doctor by confronting him with each of the seven deadly sins, with only Rose to guide him through the darkness. 
Pairing: Rose & Ten
Warning: Sex

Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5   Chapter 6  Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13

Summary: Rose wakes up in 1920s Africa with no recollection of her previous life, and all but abandoned by her negligent husband who is managing the Eritrean rail line. One day, she meets a brilliant inventor who reminds her that nothing is always quite what it seems, especially love.
Pairing: Rose & Ten
Warning: Sex

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10  Chapter 11   Chapter 12   Chapter 13   Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17  Chapter 18  Chapter 19   Chapter 20

Summary: This is a very fluffy, syrupy-sweet story based on the play Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (and later popularized by Steve Martin's 1987 film Roxanne). The Doctor and Rose take a much needed break from adventuring, and find themselves in 17th Century Paris. There a young Baron named Christian de Neuvillette falls in love with Rose and the convinces the Doctor to help him win her over through poetic verse.
Pairing: Rose & Ten
Warning: Sex

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7

Summary: When the Doctor accidentally brings Rose to a war-torn planet, he finds that there is more than one battle to be won.
Pairing: Rose & Ten
Warning: Sex

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12   Chapter 13   Chapter 14   Chapter 15   Chapter 16

Summary: The Doctor and Rose are pulled toward Kvetwaw, a planet that shouldn't exist since it was decimated in the 65th Century. They quickly realize a coterie of beings known as the Kind Ones were involved in a pact that rescued the Kvetwaw people for a price... Blood-eyed demons, a relentless hum, and ritualistic sacrifice are just the beginning. The real question is, what's hiding in the Kind House?
Pairing: Rose & Ten
Warning: Sex, Scary scenes

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5    Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9

One-shot Fics:

Someone to Watch Over Me
Prompt: 9/Rose or 10/Rose (or both!). Buffy the Vampire Slayer AU wherein Rose is a slayer and the Doctor is a vampire with a soul and/or a chip in his head.
Pairing: 10th Doctor/Rose
Rating: All Ages (for once!)

Back to You
Prompt: What If Rose never found the doctor at the end of series four, and itstead of River, Rose was the mysterious time traveler.  She has been jumping from universe to universe for so long, she is practically not human.  Eleven doesn’t like dealing with her, and there is this sort of pain and flirtation between the two of them.  He tells Amy and Rory that her name is “Bad Wolf”.
Pairing: Rose & Eleven

Behind the Doctor's Door
An angsty drabble from the God Complex.  Eleventh Doctor.

Checker Mate
Prompt: Ten and Rose are stuck in the TARDIS for an extended number of days (reason up to you), and have to get creative in their ways to keep themselves amused. rating can be anything - smut is welcome.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
Prompted by bad_wolf_rising's Halloween Ficathon.
Summary: Rose and the 10th Doctor go to Mickey's Halloween Party dressed as Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming, whereby comedy/angst/jealousy and confessions of love result, thanks to the revelation of "couples costumes."

Doctor WHO?
Prompt: Doctor/Rose full on swap- Rose as the Doctor, Ten as a human. What would be different?

Doctor WHO? 2, a sequel chapter.

Summary: Rose finds out the origin of her favorite song...and ends up using her Katy Perry CD for a frisbee.  Ten and Rose.

Summary: Silly sequel to Extra-Terrestrial in which the Doctor takes Rose to a Justin Timberlake concert and gets a taste of his own medicine.  Rose & Ten.

Crackfic prompted by banana_crackeri's inaugural prompt-a-thon, and this quote:
"As they came closer, they saw that the house was made out of bread, and the roof was made of cake and the windows of sparkling sugar."

Not Him
Prompt: Ten II f'cks the doubt that he's the Doctor right out of Rose.
Angsty, fantastic SMUT

What You See
A Prequel to Not Him
Voyeur smut

Our Stars
Prompt: Photo of some swirling galaxies inspired Ten II/Rose interaction after being left by Ten on Bad Wolf beach.  Drama and humor, and perhaps how Rose would have really reacted.

Summary: An oh so naughty look at Ten and Rose at an alien strip club.  Rose & Ten.

Same Man
Prompt: The Doctor is the same man, always.  Eleventh Doctor talks to Rory.

Other assorted fics located at Teaspoon:

master fic list

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