The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

Oct 08, 2011 14:47

Prompted by bad_wolf_rising's Halloween Ficathathon, in which many lovely picture and word prompts combined to create the following!

Rating: R
Pairing: 10/Rose
Warnings: Smutty smut smut, cheesy lines, played-out tropes and contrivances
Summary: Rose and the Doctor go to Mickey's Halloween Party dressed as Sleeping Beauty & Prince Charming, whereby
comedy/angst/jealousy/confessions of love result, thanks to the revelation of "couple costumes"
Author's Notes: This is longish and split into two parts, but both are posted here.
Title inspired by Anne Rice's first books that we're too naughty even for this smut aficionado :O

Part One

The Doctor fidgeted with a sleeve of his blue velvet tunic while Rose finished getting ready in the next room.

“I can’t believe you talked me into a costume party!” he complained.  “What exactly am I supposed to be anyways?”

Rose giggled, and the Doctor felt a thrill shoot down his spine.  He loved the sound of her laugh, even if it was at his expense.

“You’re Prince Charming!” she told him as she rounded the corner.  “And I’m Sleeping Beauty.”

The Doctor could hardly help the way his jaw slackened as Rose stepped into the console room.  Her long golden hair flowed in gentle curls around her shoulders, and in place of blue jeans and a t-shirt she was wearing a silky pink gown that was as elegant as it was beguiling.

“Oh,” the Doctor responded softly.

It was all he could do to resist running his fingers through her hair and snogging her soundly on the spot.  Instead, he ran a hand through his dark brown locks and smiled stupidly.

“But you’re not asleep,” he pointed out.  “Isn’t Sleeping Beauty supposed to be wakefully-challenged?”

Rose snorted as she grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together.

“I wouldn’t be very fun at a party then, would I?” she teased.

“Depends on the party,” the Doctor suggested.  “On Duermos 9, social occasions are considered unsuccessful if the guests haven’t passed out by seven o’clock.  They really know how to wear you down quick.  They dance on their hands.”

Rose formed a curious o-shape with her mouth.

“Well, I don’t think we’ll be dancing on our hands at Mickey’s Halloween Party,” she offered, “but I was hoping you’d save at least one dance for me.”

The Doctor blinked in surprise as he opened the front door of the TARDIS and allowed her to walk past him before responding.

“You uh, you want to dance, huh?” he asked awkwardly.

“Of course!” Rose laughed, sending that familiar vibration straight through the Doctor’s chest.

She pulled him in so that he was close enough to brush his nose against hers.

“You do remember how to dance, don’t you?” she whispered.

With a wicked grin, she slipped away and ran up the front steps to Mickey’s flat.  She dared a backwards glance before disappearing into the crowded front room.  A thrumming bass picked up and the Doctor watched the gathered congregants start moving to the beat animatedly.  It looked easy enough…

The Doctor then realized his purported partner had abandoned him, and so he made haste to follow her.  As he moved into the throng of people, a giant hamburger accosted him.

“Doctor!” Mickey cried cheerfully.  “Glad you could make it!”

The Doctor bit his tongue as he tried to restrain his laughter.  “You are a hamburger,” he stated.

“Yeah!” Mickey said happily, a little pissed.  “Cool innit?  What er’ you supposed to be?  A poof?”

The Doctor dropped his jaw in outrage, but Mickey just chuckled and slapped him on the shoulder.  “Just kidding, mate,” the inebriated host laughed.  “I know Rose is all about couple costumes.  You must be the prince to her princess.  Good on ya.”

“C-couple costumes?” the Doctor stuttered nervously.

Mickey laughed again and handed the Time Lord an ale.  “You’re obviously gonna need this more than me.  Have fun!”

The Doctor stared after the retreating fast food item, forgetting that he was supposed to be searching for Rose.  Did she think they were a couple?  Could they be a couple?  Did other people think they were a couple?

The Doctor took a long drink as his dizzied, half-coherent thoughts fought for dominance in his brain.  He was so distracted that he didn’t register a pair of arms had closed around him from behind.

“Prince Charming, huh?” an unfamiliar voice said.  “I knew someday my prince would come.”

The Doctor half turned around in confusion and came face to face with a tall brunette.  She smiled flirtatiously at him and leaned in, displaying her ample bust that was doing its best to escape from her tight nurse costume.

“Uh,” the Doctor responded intelligently, or perhaps not.

“You wanna get some air?” the naughty nurse said seductively.

“Oh.  Nah,” the Doctor recovered and replied in a bored tone.

He turned back around and continued to search for Rose.

The nurse was not going to give up that easily, however.  She stepped back in front of him as the DJ flipped over a new record, blasting 'Bad Things' by Jace Everett.

“Oh I love this song!” the space-invading woman declared.  “Makes me wanna do bad things too, if you know what I mean."

She ran her hands down the front of the Doctor’s tunic and closed the scant distance between them, watching the Doctor’s eyebrows shoot straight toward the sky as she locked him into a bruising kiss.

She licked her lower lip as she pulled away, but as she did so, the Doctor’s eyes fluttered past her to find Rose just behind her.

“Rose!” the Doctor squeaked in mixed relief and terror.

But his companion’s confused face fell into complete dismay.  She shook her head silently before pushing straight past him.

The brunette tried to regain his attention, but the Doctor had already turned on his heel and was running after his princess.

“Rose wait!” he cried over the noisy guitar solo.

He chastised himself as he ran after her, realizing that it had taken him less than five minutes to royally cock up their pleasant evening.  If only that human Hoover hadn’t attached to his face like an oxygen mask…

He made to grab Rose’s elbow but she evaded him.

“I can’t believe you!” she said in exasperation as she moved toward the TARDIS.

“You can’t believe what?” the Doctor shot back as he jumped in front of her.  “That nurse came out of nowhere, I swear!”

“Yeah, and I suppose that was you beating her off with a stick then?” Rose countered, referencing his inaction.

“Whoah, wait a minute!” the Doctor said defensively.  “I was just too shocked to respond.  I’d barely walked in the door and she was all over me!”

Rose stopped walking and placed her hands on her hips.

“Funny thing about that.  You seem to have that effect on women everywhere you go.  Cassandra and Reinette come to mind!”

Her last sentence was a bold accusation, but the Doctor wasn’t naïve enough to miss the hurt in her voice.

“First of all,” he placated, “Cassandra was you, technically.  Kind of technically.  Second of all, Reinette was…”

“Was what?” Rose challenged.  When he didn't answer, she pushed on boldy.  “You know, I thought you and me…”

“You and me?” the Doctor prompted, locking her eyes in a meaningful stare.

“I thought that we…  I didn’t expect…” she floundered nervously, caught by her own choice of words.

“We weren’t together when Reinette happened,” the Doctor said more gently.

Rose thought her heart was going to pound out of her chest.

“We aren’t together now,” she said evenly, even though her eyes were shining with tears.

The Doctor’s breath caught as he considered his next words carefully.

“I thought the matching costumes were…um…well, Mickey said that you liked couple costumes, so I didn’t know if…” he bumbled along in a panicked state.

“You thought I’d just declared us a couple?” Rose asked in a high-pitched voice.  Her mortification spread into a bodily blush that burned noticeably, even under the low moonlight.

“No!” the Doctor jumped to cut her off.

He grabbed at her hand, willing her to stop and listen to him.

“That’s not what I meant!” he covered quickly.  “I meant...I thought that maybe you wanted to be that.  That we might take that step forward, I mean, if you wanted to.  I thought maybe that’s what that meant, because it’s so blatantly obvious that I fancy you!”

Rose had barely been able to catch his rambling, slightly incoherent sentences as they spilled out, but she latched onto the last sentiment in astonishment.

“You FANCY me!” she repeated, not quite believing it even as she said it.

The Doctor fought against the terror that suddenly possessed his entire being.  He had just told Rose Tyler that he fancied her.  He’d just admitted that he FANCIED his traveling companion, his closest friend, his dancing partner…except they hadn’t quite danced yet.

“Yeah,” he gasped, pulling at the collar of his velvet tunic.  “I’m dressed like a prat, running after you instead of snogging an inebriated nurse, and telling you straightforwardly, without any hesitation on my part, without stalling or finding other reasons not to say it…”

“Say it!” Rose interrupted impatiently.

“Right!” the Doctor said excitedly.  “That I quite fancy you, Rose Tyler.  And if you’d like to be mine, I think it would be more than nice.  Really perfect actually.”

He stared at her expectantly, illustrating his anxious uncertainty that she may not want those things too.

“You silly git,” Rose blushed.  “I’ve always been yours!”

She hugged him as his arms came around her waist and settled on the lower part of her back, bending her so that her face was perfectly angled under his.

“But it can’t be real.  Feels like a dream,” Rose said breathlessly as his brown eyes gazed down into hers.

“Sleeping Beauty,” he murmured, “I think it’s time for you to wake up.”

He kissed her tenderly as her head fell back and relaxed into one of his supportive hands.  He cradled her against his body as his tongue slipped past her lips and they both sighed as their bodies became more intimately tangled.

“Rose,” the Doctor whispered into her ear as they pulled apart momentarily.

He ran the back of his hand over her cheek worshipfully.  Rose smiled through the stupor of his caresses and met his eager eyes.

“I think you’re the most beautiful princess I’ve ever seen,” he stated.  “You make all courtesans and nurses look like Alpathian bottom feeders.”

Rose giggled, a small reward for his efforts.

“I don’t know what Alpathian bottom feeders are, but I think I’ll take that as a compliment,” Rose replied.

“Sorry,” the Doctor said weakly.  “I’m a bit rubbish at the ways of love.”

The words had barely escaped his lips when he realized what he’d said.  It was as if there were some kind of spell on him, some sneaky spell that Rose’s fair princess costume and the cool October air had cast over his normally reticent self.  Admitting that he fancied her was one thing, but love?  He wasn’t going to get out of this easily.  Did he even want to?

Part Two

Rose’s cheerful expression sobered immensely at the Doctor’s words.  She felt his grip loosen on her, but neither of them were willing to break contact completely.

“Doctor,” she breathed hesitantly.

“I don’t expect you to feel the same way,” he said in an overly loud voice, as if trying to gain back some semblance of control.  “I didn’t mean to move so fast either, or say quite so many words, or admit quite so many things.  Er…”

Rose stared up at him, her peaceful countenance enough to soothe his rattled nerves.  Her bright brown eyes glistened as she closed the distance between them and delivered an infinitely gentle kiss.

The Doctor ached internally as she weaved her fingers through his hair and tugged slightly at the roots.  The first kiss had been fun and flirty and adventurous, but this kiss, OH this kiss was something magical.  He didn’t even need to hear the words to know that Rose was telling him just how much she truly loved him too.

He felt all tangible control slipping away as she pressed her tiny frame against his, intent on making full bodily contact.  He stumbled back a step and found his back supported by the TARDIS, which he quickly fumbled to open and move them away from prying eyes.  Privacy had suddenly become his utmost priority.

He pulled her in after him as the TARDIS door gave way, squeezing her backside as he lifted her up and around his waist.  She was lighter than he’d expected, and perfectly maneuverable.  He groaned as he leaned her back into the closest available structure, the hand rail leading up to the console.

Rose gasped and released her hold around his shoulders so that her hands could roam over the front of his chest, and then to the back of her  gown, where she tugged at the repressive corset strings.  Her top loosened and fell away before the Doctor could register what she’d done, and the next thing he knew, he was staring down at her breasts, clearly visible through the sheer muslin slip she had on underneath.

He made a noise in the back of his throat that was halfway to a syllable as Rose stared up at him lustfully.  Slowly, she pulled one of his frozen hands up from her waist and laid it tentatively over the swelling of her breast.  The Doctor let out a shaky breath as his hand squeezed gently around her, guided by her direction so that he knew every step of the way how much she wanted this.

Rose threw her head back, and the Doctor let his other hand come up and meet her other breast, rubbing greedily before dipping his tongue down to her neck.

Rose moaned with abandon, sending a shock of desire through the Doctor’s groin, a place he’d all but forgotten about after centuries of disuse.  The feeling was exquisite, and bordering on pain.  He had to release the tension somehow.  He was so grateful when Rose pulled him in closer and pinioned him to her center with her legs.  He pressed against her eagerly, trying to remember how all of this worked.

“Doctor,” Rose whispered.  “Take me to bed.”

He’d picked her up before the sentence even registered as a coherent thought in his mighty Time Lord brain.  He carried her to his bedroom and laid her down on his bed, straddling her as he pulled the obstructing muslin fabric down from her torso.

“Oh, Rose,” he murmured.  “You are so beautiful.”

His eyes teared up as he gazed down at her face, framed by her wild, golden curls.  He traced a line faintly from the side of her neck all the way down to the dip of her belly button.  Rose shivered, and it occurred to him then that she might be cold.  He stripped off his tunic impatiently and covered her chest with his own, the soft hair on his front tickling at her skin.

Rose turned them to one side so that she could push a leg up over his hip, and his hand came down to hold her to him, even as it kneaded the muscles on her thigh up toward her rear.

He kissed her then, letting his tongue roam the interior of her mouth as she let slipped one hand between their bodies to explore the constrained bulge underneath his trousers.

He gasped in surprise and wonder as her fingers found his length and tugged at him through the fabric.  She used the opportunity to nip at his neck and work her tongue up to the sensitive lobe of his ear.

“Ah,” the Doctor moaned needily as he ground against her clever hand.  He felt like his senses were going to overload at any moment, threatening to destroy his feigned efforts at control.  The thought of losing himself in her became all consuming, if not a bit overwhelming and a little frightening.  He needed to have her.

The Doctor gained back enough presence of mind to work one hand under the bottom of Rose’s long skirt.  He skimmed up the expanse of her silky leg before pushing her hip back into the firm mattress.  From there, he rubbed teasingly over her knickers, never applying enough pressure to offer any kind of release.  Rose swore in frustration as he played over the wet center where she wanted him, needed him desperately.

In revenge, she tucked her hand into his waistband and met his rock hard erection skin-to-skin for the first time.  As she squeezed his head into the soft palm of her hand, the Doctor struggled not to come right then.  Rose was satisfied with her handiwork when she felt his fingers fumble under the side of her knickers and plunge unabashedly inside of her, while his thumb brushed purposefully over her clitoris.

Rose strained against his eager hand as he set up a frenzied pace, willing her to give in to him as quickly as possible.  He ducked his head down to her chest and sucked lasciviously at her right breast, rubbing his teeth against the nipple.  Rose didn’t cry out so much as wail when her orgasm ripped through her center like a struck match.  The Doctor didn’t cease his ministrations, but slowed them to a near halt as she worked through the delirious sensations that ebbed through her body.

Her hand had lost him in the process, and the Doctor naughtily ducked down as he seized the opportunity to pleasure her further.  Rose was still panting in disbelief when the Doctor’s tongue met the rounded mound of her center, lapping at the hot flesh and sucking delicately at her clit.

“Oh god!” Rose breathed as she realized what he was doing.  She’d barely registered him moving into that position.

His hands roamed up the sides of her hips, pushing the excessive fabric of her skirt out of his way as he licked lavishly around her sensitive bud.  Rose was still riding the high of her first orgasm when the second already began to build, unable to resist pushing herself up against his tongue.

“Please,” she whispered greedily as she envisioned him pulsing inside of her.  “I want you.  I need you.”

The Doctor smirked as he undid the buttons on his trousers, pushing them down over his hips with one hand.  He straightened up and balanced on his knees as he looked down on her, observing her hardened nipples, her wanton pose open to him with her legs spread wide, her glistening sex waiting for him to move inside her.

“Rose,” he moaned as her hand found his erection and caressed him.  Her scent wafted up from his own lips, driving him insensible.

He almost didn’t want to start.  He wanted to stay like this forever, always on the edge of losing himself to her.  But he heard her whimper and felt the desire to satisfy her irresistible.  He strained even harder under her touch, eager to prove his virility as much as his love for her.

He bent down and hovered over her, pressing himself against her core until she squirmed beneath him, impatient with need.  With one eager push, he slipped inside of her and felt himself sheathed in that blissful heat, remembering only then how incredible and unbelievable it felt to make love.

Rose rocked up into his thrust, driving him as deeply into her as possible.

“Doctor!” she cried out passionately.

He drew back and thrust once more, savoring the expression on her face as well as the thought that only he could make her feel this way.  Only he could possess her this completely.  His desire to dominate her was part and parcel of his Time Lord instincts, which once activated were more carnal than any human drive.

He gave in to his passions as he humped her wrecklessly, locking her eyes into a meaningful stare, one that threatened to consume her entirely.  Rose found herself wanting nothing more than that, and challenged him as she scratched her nails into his back and bit her lower lip.

The reaction from him was primal.  He growled before sinking his teeth into her exposed shoulder, bringing an exquisite pain and pleasure that she’d never experienced in tandem before.  The combination of the two brought about her second, explosive orgasm, and as she shuddered around his fevered thrusts, the Doctor felt his own release pulsating through his body.

He cried out with her as he emptied into her, forever claiming her as his own.  In his mind, she was marked, like the soft bruise already showing around her naked shoulder.  She was his.

He collapsed on top of her, panting hard despite a double respiratory system.  Rose too felt like she’d just run a marathon, and stared at him with disbelief as he pushed his sweaty hair back from his eyes.

“You bit me,” she accused, but the tone of her voice revealed that she was turned on rather than appalled.

“Yeah,” the Doctor breathed.  “Gallifreyan domination rite.  It happens infrequently during the bonding process, and usually only if the pairing is very strong.  I didn’t hurt you did I?”

He glanced over at her with concern, but she just smiled.

“A little…but I liked it.  Is that totally perverted?  I felt…claimed.”

The Doctor smiled back anxiously.  “You sort of were, at least from my perspective.  I told you that I wanted you to be mine, so I marked you in a way that would tell any other Time Lord that you were.”

“What about humans or other species?” Rose asked with interest.

“Oh, no,” the Doctor answered quickly.  “I’d never do that without your permission.”

“But you could do it,” Rose prodded.  “If I wanted you to?”

The Doctor’s eyebrows shot up as he regarded her determined expression.

Rose licked her lips as one of her hands swept over the expanse of his chest.

“I want you to claim me for your own,” she whispered.  “I don’t want there to be any doubt in anyone’s mind, Time Lord, human or some other species…that I belong to you.  And I want you to belong to me.”

“Rose,” the Doctor said warningly, but yielded to the conviction in her eyes.  “Rose Tyler and the Doctor,” he mused.  “You know how much I…”

His voice faltered and he snuggled into her side, pulling her closer to him until they were indistinguishable.

“I love you, Rose,” he whispered.  “More than you’ll ever know.  I would be honored to call you mine.”

“I love you too Doctor,” she whispered back.  “And I want to be with you forever.  For as long as I’m allowed.”

Her eyes began to drift closed, exhausted from their coupling and their long, emotional day.  His nuzzled into her cheek and kissed the soft skin there, wishing that forever for her was the same forever for him, or even longer.  She fell asleep in his arms, and as the Time Lord gazed down at his Sleeping Beauty, he realized that this moment at least, was something that would never fade in his mind.  They might not have forever in the way that she’d imagined, but her beauty, and the beauty of this moment would outlast the final fading star in every countless universe.  With that thought, he closed his eyes and dreamed beside her, because she was his and he was hers, just as it should be.

rose tyler, doctor who, prompted, 10th doctor

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