R/Revolution, Prologue

Aug 19, 2012 20:25

Summary: When Ten returns to Pete's World, he finds Rose has been forced to join a violent revoltion against her father's evil empire.  Set after "Doomsday," non-canon after that.
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: Adult

The Doctor never thought he’d see Rose Tyler holding a gun, let alone two of them with barrels up toward the sky like Laura Croft on a bad day.  He was looking up at her from the ground, the blood oozing down from his split forehead, making it difficult to see in the chilly night air.  She looked so different that he hadn’t recognized her at first.  Apart from the loaded weapons, her fire-red dyed hair and heavy black eye makeup transformed her completely.  She was something superior and deadly now, a woman turned weapon of mass destruction.

As the first attacker screamed and ran at her, Rose dodged effortlessly and used the brick wall behind her to gain leverage, kicking off the ground and spinning into a roundhouse kick that left her opponent gasping for breath on the pavement.  She leveled out smoothly and aimed her guns at the three armored men coming for her, the sound of bullets echoing over the sharp clink of falling shells.  Each man fell in turn before they could get off a single shot, and Rose was already reloading when the next wave came.  She slapped the cartridges against her hips to reload and spun as she dropped, letting the first man fly well over her head before shooting the next one point blank in the chest.

The Doctor watched Rose flip backwards as a third man kicked her gun out of her hand, and she compensated by pulling an elegant samurai sword out of nowhere and aiming it at the level of his face.  The man stopped short and stared uncertainly at the woman, apparently a more dangerous force than he had expected.  He turned and ran as Rose chuckled, her fight over for the time being.  She leaned against the wall and took a minute to catch her breath before turning her attention back to the prostate Doctor concealed by the darkness.

“You alright?” she asked.  “I wasn’t too late, I hope.”

The Doctor watched in stunned silence as Rose arched her back and unzipped the black latex suit she was wearing down to the navel.  Her red bra contrasted against her skin under the pale street light, and drew the Doctor’s gaze inevitably to her gently heaving chest as she withdrew something from the band and zipped back up.  She stretched her neck luxuriously before popping a large pill in her mouth.

“No offense,” she breathed outwardly, “but they’ve got to stop sending such inane operatives.  How am I supposed to work like this, when I’ve got to rescue every bloody Relay?”

“Not a Relay,” the Doctor answered.  “I don’t even know what that it.  …I thought you’d have noticed by now.”

Rose leaned forward with piqued interest, trying to observe him more carefully in the dim light.  Behind the matted bangs and bruised face, she could just barely make out a resemblance to someone she used to know a long time ago.  Her face changed as she stared, going through a number of expressions before settling on anger.

“No,” she breathed in disbelief.  “It can’t be…”

“Can,” the Doctor interrupted as he stood shakily to his feet.

He stumbled slightly and Rose moved to catch him, pushing him up against the wall while also pinning his arms on either side of his body.

“But he’s gone,” Rose said to herself, her hard demeanor giving way to something raw and infinitely tender.  “He can’t ever come back.  The cracks between the worlds were sealed.”

“Rose,” he breathed her name like a prayer, “You of all people should know that nothing is ever finished, not when I have a say in the matter.  I’ve risked everything to come back to you.  But I don’t understand what’s happened.  Rose Tyler turned assassin?  Have things really gotten so bad?”

Rose backed away from him, still blinking in disbelief as she ran her fingers through her red hair.  Her chin started to tremble even as she shook her head emphatically.

“He didn’t understand the world he left me in,” she said to herself, “or who I’ve had to become to endure it.  The Organization controls everything, from what people think to how they die.  I’m on the other side, fighting to save what’s left of humanity before it’s too late.”

“What organization?” the Doctor demanded.

“You really don’t know?” Rose shot back, checking around them as the sound of voices grew in the distance.

The Doctor couldn’t help a brilliant smile as he shrugged off his tattered jacket.

“I’ve only just arrived.  You know me,” he grinned.

“That remains to be seen,” Rose answered in an uncommitted tone.  “Until then, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

The Doctor’s smile faded as Rose drew near to pull an elastic rope out of her belt and secure it tightly around his waist.  In the next second, she was pointing a grappling gun toward the closest building.

“Hold on,” she breathed as she discharged the weapon, expelling a gust of compressed air as the anchor end caught the edge of a nearby roof.

“What do you mean by-“ the Doctor started to ask, but was cut off by the revelation of Rose’s body wrapping around his.  He didn’t have a chance to move before they were propelled through the air, rising at the rate of several stories in the blink of an eye.

Rose caught the ledge as they soared upward, and pulled them both over so that they landed gasping on the gravelly top.  Overhead, the stars twinkled, making them both forget everything else for a moment, but only just.  Then Rose felt the Doctor’s hand reach for hers, clasping it like a lifeline even after they’d landed.

The Doctor’s leg had settled heavily over hers, and he turned toward her as he gazed down into her eyes, seeking something familiar.

“What happened to you Rose?” he breathed roughly.

She flinched and tried to move away, but he held her down by sheer will.

“I survived,” she said bitingly.

“Oh yes, you have!” the Doctor replied, an accusation laced in the undertone.  “I can practically smell the genetic transfer on your breath.  That’ll be the pill, then?  Gives you superior strength and control?”

Rose started to protest, but the Doctor sank into her and swept his tongue past her open mouth.  He immediately tasted the evidence he was looking for, but found it a little harder to retract from her than he’d anticipated.

Rose got lost in the moment too, and hated her traitorous tongue for caressing his as their breath mingled together.  She came to her senses soon enough, however, and pulled away from him with a surprised gasp.

“Got what you wanted?” she hissed angrily.

The Doctor’s eyebrows shot up as he glanced down into her blazing eyes.

“Well, that is…” he stuttered uncertainly before falling limply to one side.

Rose shook her head as she righted herself and stood menacingly over the Doctor.

“I’ve had a genetic boost, alright,” she informed him evenly.  “But it’s also a light depressant for those unused to its potency.  Have a nice nap, Doctor.  Or…whoever you are.”

She leaned down so that she was directly above him, the edge of her heel posed threateningly over his chest.

“When you wake up, I’m going to find out everything,” she breathed.

The Doctor stared up as Rose’s bright red hair swirled above him, becoming a vast sea of rolling crimson.  Her name froze on his lips as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Next Chapter

r/revolution, rose tyler, pete tyler, 10th doctor

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