Title: Serenity, Biscuits, and a Daring Rescue
Disclaimer: Rose Tyler does not own ‘Firefly.’ She is not making any money off this and asks you very nicely not to sue her.
Pairing: Simon/Kaylee
Summary: Rose writes Simon/Kaylee fanfiction while the Doctor (Ten) leans over her should and makes generally obnoxious comments
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Comments 53
I adore you.
Doctor: [deflating] But…
Rose: If you want a horse, you’re gonna have to write your own.
Doctor: Pah! Like I would waste time on fanfiction. [hastily moves to cover up fluffy Zoe/Wash fic]
*snort* This is still one of my favorite bits of this. And he would totally write fluffy Zoe/Wash.
You need to do a follow up with him writing said fic. *nods eagerly*
You need to do a follow up with him writing said fic. *nods eagerly*
I don't know. I kind of want someone on Serenity to write really bad Ten/Rose reunion fic. While Inara beta reads. :D
*begs more*
But this is adorable, and so cute, and I love it. And the commentary on fandom discourse about the showers just totally makes my day. XD
You did!!! I posted it a while ago on my journal. I've only just now gotten around to cross-posting it here. BECAUSE I AM AWESOME THAT WAY! *G*
I did change some things, though. I swear. It's not a shameless ploy for more comments!
And the commentary on fandom discourse about the showers just totally makes my day. XD
:D :D
There really *aren't* showers on Serenity, though! There isn't!!! Stop writing showers, S/K shippers!
There really *aren't* showers on Serenity, though! There isn't!!! Stop writing showers, S/K shippers!
I accidentally wrote a bathroom once and was yelled at by fandom. I think I edited it out eventually. It's not just the S/K shippers that write showers, though, it's freaking everyone.
In a sort of random note: I forget, what are your feelings towards Simon/Kaylee ship?
Mal had a toilet in his bunk in the pilot!
But I definitely don't think there were bathrooms capable of leading to enthusiastic shags. (At least in Firefly we can differentiate between what is canon and fanon. I don't even *bother* in Who anymore.)
In a sort of random note: I forget, what are your feelings towards Simon/Kaylee ship?
I'm... ambivalent? I'm not really a shipper, but it's not like I DON'T like them. They don't really seem to know/understand each other very well, and so it's hard for me to imagine them lasting long-term. And I kind of hate how the sex was pasted on at the end of the BDM.
Mal/Inara is very much my ship in Firefly, but S/K fic is just so much easier to poke fun at!
More? Leave feedback, plz!
*Snerk* It's so true!
Very cute and filled with biscuits and snuggles! That's five stars in my book!
Rose really would write the worst fanfiction ever. And then totally flake on ever writing a sequel. *G*
Very cute and filled with biscuits and snuggles!
I think it is well established Fact that it is impossible to put Ten and Rose in a fic together and NOT have them snuggle!
I had a hellish day at work and this just made me SO VERY HAPPY.
*enormous puppy dog eyes* Sequel? Please?!
:D :D :D
I am so glad! It feel like cheating to post it again. *G*
I had a hellish day at work and this just made me SO VERY HAPPY.
Eep! I'm sorry about your day. *HUGS*
*enormous puppy dog eyes* Sequel? Please?!
I do want someone on Serenity to write really bad Ten/Rose reunion fic! Possibly with a Time Baby! (Except...! Little Ten/Rose Time Babies! AWWWWWWWWW!)
Oh god, I just typed 'phenomenomenon'.
Also, TIME BABY. With big brown eyes and curly hair? And a huge 'I KNOW YOU'RE MY DADDY BECAUSE I AM GENIUS!BABY who, incidentally, gurgles at nine hundred miles an hour and mummy rolls her eyes at me and tells me that I should use words already, what am I waiting for, my dad was never afraid to let words get the better of him!' grin?
And, thank you for the fic and hugs! And if this is cheating, you can cheat on me ANY DAY! :D :D :D
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