Title: Serenity, Biscuits, and a Daring Rescue
Disclaimer: Rose Tyler does not own ‘Firefly.’ She is not making any money off this and asks you very nicely not to sue her.
Pairing: Simon/Kaylee
Summary: Rose writes Simon/Kaylee fanfiction while the Doctor (Ten) leans over her should and makes generally obnoxious comments
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Doctor: [deflating] But…
Rose: If you want a horse, you’re gonna have to write your own.
Doctor: Pah! Like I would waste time on fanfiction. [hastily moves to cover up fluffy Zoe/Wash fic]
*snort* This is still one of my favorite bits of this. And he would totally write fluffy Zoe/Wash.
You need to do a follow up with him writing said fic. *nods eagerly*
You need to do a follow up with him writing said fic. *nods eagerly*
I don't know. I kind of want someone on Serenity to write really bad Ten/Rose reunion fic. While Inara beta reads. :D
*begs more*
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