I liked the musical numbers -- Paltrow has a good voice and great presence and an amazing smile -- but, and this could just be me, given the size of the cast wouldn't it maybe make more sense to focus the storylines on the actors you're already paying instead of bringing in high profile guest stars who take over the episode? Paltrow had the lead in three numbers. (okay, the bit from Chicago was technically a duet but still)(also, more dancing than singing so not a great glee club pick) F*** You was brilliant! But then...too much guest star, too little glee club.
Kurt's story was advanced in a couple of directions. It happened fast, but it happened. Yay.
Mercedes story spun off Kurt's as she was substituting food for his lost affection. Okay, a little too easy but I'll give it a pass because it's entirely probable -- it's one of the big reasons women our size get to be that size. I loved the Norman Rae scene. However, her whole subplot, a fairly important character driven subplot that actually tied into getting rid of the substitute, had what four minutes of screen time? Ten lines of dialogue?
Although her daydream in the restaurant -- gay gay gay gaygay and then a purse came out of my mouth. LOL!
Rachel had her obligatory moments of being a controlling diva and Lea Michelle had her obligatory song but even that was the duet with Paltrow.
Sue had a few moments that were fun, antagonistic, and well, fun. That's Sue's purpose, short but fulfilled.
Coach Bieste had a nice moment.
Will had the lead in two. Okay, the Journey stuff was hysterical but Will's relationship with Terri is just creepy cakes.
Mike got a full dance in, Rachel got a duet in. Sam didn't even get his shirt off.
Is it just me or didn't they used to be better at making this more an ensemble? And actually telling stories about and by the glee club?