In your old rooms, fixing your water [ota]

Jan 28, 2011 16:08

With the walls completely constructed, the dry wall up and the floors down, the second building was just about finished as far as repairs were going. Mac had been called in to set up the second floor plumbing and rewire the electrics. Not that it was overly hard; everything was already fitted, the wiring was simple connect the ends and the plumbing ( Read more... )

wade wilson, jubilation 'jubilee' lee, spc jesse dylan, sgt mackenzie richards

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Comments 34

saywhatiplease January 29 2011, 02:55:18 UTC
Jubilee hadn't been around long enough to meet her roommate Alice because she was avoiding the dorms like the plague. She used them to shower but otherwise, she'd been living in one of the old rooms that was across the hall from where Lorna and Olivia's room used to be. Jubilee didn't want to be here, not when Psylocke and Boom-Boom were here and Logan wasn't. She didn't want the dull, colorless buildings blocking her in.

And she didn't like the idea of being stuck in this place forever. By the sound of Rogue's words, that's what she had to look forward to. Jubilee just wanted to be left alone, someplace quiet where she could brood uninterrupted. And for the most part, it worked. Until she heard taps bursting and a woman cursing.

Poking her head into the open doorway, she saw Mac smoking and flipping through a magazine and couldn't help but speak up. "Dude. Are people even allowed t'smoke here?"


mechanic_mac January 29 2011, 08:06:11 UTC
Looking up from her page, Mac frowned slightly, removing the cigarette from her lips to flick the ash into her ashtray before shrugging slightly, "First person to tell me not to is gonna get my foot up their ass." And that included Ethan.

As she was solid with Ethan, and a bit of a nosy little thing, Mac had seen Jubilation's file, and so she was pretty sure she knew why the little rebel was hanging around the dorm building that had the 'closed for repairs' stuff going on. Even if she was part of the base's military presence, Mac wasn't about to rib the girl for chilling out some place that Mac would've probably chilled herself.

"While it is technically frowned upon to smoke inside, I really don't give a damn right now." She was following Ethan's little 'no piercings while working' rule and had left the lip ring in her room, but still. "What'cha doing around here then, little paffs?"


saywhatiplease January 30 2011, 04:17:23 UTC
Jubilee took a few steps into the room, her yellow trenchcoat billowing behind her as she moved and settled against the far wall. Arms crossing over her chest, she couldn't help but grin at Mac's answer.

"Finally. Someone in the military that totally doesn't have a stick up their ass." Was that a jab at Barq? Why, yes, it was. She absolutely loathed the woman and all the stuffiness in the place was just suffocating her.

She blinked at the nickname, however. Boom-Boom had called her that once, but otherwise no one else had. How the hell did she even know about her nickname for her plasmoids? "...Whoa. What'd you just say?"


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 08:14:02 UTC
Flicking more ash, Mac smirked slightly at the military comment, "True enough, but when I'm in uniform, best not mention my colleagues and their asses, kay?" Mac didn't mind people having opinions. She knew that a lot of the team thought Ethan was a stiff, thought he was a rule-sticking, pain in the ass, stiff. And to an extent, he could be. And Jen was straighter laced than anything Mac had ever known. But that was how the girl rolled and Mac had respect for her achievement ( ... )


obx_spc_dylan January 29 2011, 19:57:51 UTC
Cue the wolf whistle. Was there anything as sexy as Mac soaking wet? He wasn't so sure there was. Jesse leaned against the door jam with a great big smile. He was still in his fatigues having just come off guard duty. In passing he heard that Mac was in the renovated building but he never thought she was sitting around in a soaking wet wife beater smoking like something out of a men's magazine.

"Damn woman. You know how to make a mess." He teased with a chuckle. The aim was easygoing but it was hard for him to keep his eyes on her face right now.


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 08:20:04 UTC
Cigarette dangling between her lips, Mac looked over as Jesse spoke up, grinning around her smoke, "Fucking hot mess." There were still small puddles on the floor, most of them developing around Mac's boots and butt. She wasn't really bothered since someone else was meant to do the clean up anyway.

"You're just in time for me to finish break and help." Because it was getting stressful, getting the shower set up and then the sinks set up and then the shower busting the second the pressure was put on and between getting the pressure off and getting the shower sorted, well, it was bloody annoying.

"Seriously, anymore of this and I will resemble a drownt rat more than anything else." Anymore of this and she'd be shit out of luck with shirts, the soaked tank was her last and really, it wasn't doing much for her modesty as it was.


obx_spc_dylan January 30 2011, 08:36:10 UTC
Ain't that the truth? God damn! He thought it but he didn't say it. He wanted to say it but the Army drilled him just deep enough to be mindful of what he said to his superiors.

"What in the hell happened in here? Why are you wet?" Jesse asked venturing further into the room. He was only mechanically inclined to a certain point. Beyond that it just looked like a lot of tools, parts and wires. So he lit a cigarette of his own and sat down next to Mac. "You should have asked for some help earlier."


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 08:42:10 UTC
Mac just shrugged slightly, a little chilled but nothing horrible life threatening. "Well, in order to make sure everything is connected right, you gotta put on the water. If the connection isn't right, which often happens because these fucking showers are a nightmare, the pressure is too much, the shower head disconnects and voilà, water everywhere." With her hand, she indicated to herself as an example of water going everywhere.

As for the help, well, he had just come of guard duty, and Ethan was still catching up with what he'd missed during 'the incident' and really, Jen didn't seem the plumbing type. "Really, it's just a whole load of trial and error. Because I hate these goddamned showers, and the stalls aren't that much better."

In her opinion, they were far too small to work in. "But hey, now you can be wrench monkey."


makesppldead January 30 2011, 03:16:05 UTC
The fight with Rictor left Wade in a poor mood. He really shouldn't even had bothered at all--but he'd been dying for a fight, and he really wanted to shut up that stupid Mexican. It only left him unsatisfied, scratched, and with a migraine.

Fully intending on going back to he and Pyro's room to shower and then sleep until whenever the fuck he wanted. But of course St. John had the same idea and the shower was occupied. Not wanting to bother asking to use anyone elses (or really wanting to use anyone elses), the battered Merc left his swords to the room, took a towel, and set to go use the old showers. A shower was a shower, right?

Apparently not. Wade almost sunk down to the floor when he saw Mac obviously working on the piping. Heaving a sigh, he ran a hand over his dirty, sweaty face. "Fuck a repairs company. Let's just kick out the overpopulation."


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 08:25:39 UTC
Tilting her head to get a look at Wade, Mac chuckled slightly. "Oh God, I know. That's mostly why I'm wanting this place done soon." Mac didn't so much mind having a roommate at all, and the kid she was paired with wasn't too much of a bother anyway. But at certain times people just needed to chill.

"You anger the General's cat or something?" It was pretty clear that Wade had been looking to shower, and with the people piled into the other building, and the number of them sharing a room already, it was understandable that he'd try to use the second building. It was just his bad luck that she hadn't yet turned the water back on permenantly.

"Seriously, that little bugger will fuck you good. You got away lucky." Mac wasn't really bothered too much with in house fighting -shit happened, people said things, fights started. From the looks of it, if she was worried about anyone, it should be the scratcher, since Wade didn't really look too bad off. But Mac wasn't about to push anyway.


makesppldead January 30 2011, 09:01:12 UTC
His brow arched at her inquiry about the cat. Glancing down at himself, Wade observed his appearance and regarded that he perhaps did look like he may have run into a cat. Rictor was very similar. Such a pussy.

"Not so much anger as silence, for now. And it wasn't the general's cat." He lifted his arm to pick at what looked like a new cut. He only had a couple and they weren't that bothersome. If anything, they had come from the ground itself and not his attacker. "Ric and I had a nice little one on one. Only it wasn't so much nice as it was shitty." And disappointing.


mechanic_mac January 30 2011, 09:08:06 UTC
"Wow, that Mexican gets around." Mac hadn't really met the Mexican much; read his file, sorted part of the shooting incident, read up on the Japan incident, and now getting in fights with trained mercenaries. Oh, Mac was going to bring up getting the boy a CT scan, just in case.

"So long as you haven't destroyed yet more buildings or the greenery again, I don't give a shit," which personally she didn't, professionally, she was supposed to, "but honest to God, you mess up a building, I will put one of your swords, somewhere you don't want it." She was done with repairs so very, very done with repairs.

"How shitty is shitty, and why was it shitty?" She felt like she was ready to break into song.


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